Faith Course | More than conquerors18/02/2025Faith Course | Confession18/02/2025 Faith Course | The word 18/02/2025 Faith Course | The word What are the strongest forces in this world? Atomic weapons The spiritual forces of God The power of the mind None What does the person who joins himself to Christ have at his disposal? A real army Jobs to do Unending punishment None How did the Lord create all things? By chance By Science By His Word None What did Jesus say we would have? Whatever we said and believed would happen Whatever we wanted Whatever we dreamed of None What power do our words have? The power to make us cultured The power to edify or destroy us No power at all None What does it take for blessings to be poured out on our lives? Lots of prayer Our words God’s will None What are we today? That which we declared in the past What God wanted us to be There is no plausible explanation None Why didn’t Jesus lack for anything? Because He was God Because of His unity with God Because He was privileged None What was Jesus’ secret? The Virgin Mary interceded for Him The angels were His friends He took for Himself all that the Father had declared about Him None What happens when you join yourself to the Lord? You become one with God You become famous Your become superior to other people None Who chose us to belong to God? The pastor It was pure luck The Lord Jesus None What evil can befall us if we use the power of God? It depends on the circumstances Nothing can harm us in any way We will only know after it happens None What happens when you are used in the Word of God? You act as God Himself You are elevated to the status of a saint You should be reverenced as divine None What do the words we speak represent? Nothing Means of communication A faithful translation of that which we believe None What does it take for the blessings we are fervently seeking to materialize? Willpower Our words The Word of God None What was Jesus’ relationship with the Father? They were one He was privileged The Father was testing Him None What would Jesus need to do for the angels to come and rescue Him? Fast Pray to the Father Get lucky None Who will do what we ask? The Lord Jesus The angels The prophets of old None What makes the power of God move into action? When we do charity The Lord God Our words of authority None Who has to do our part? We The pastor The Lord God None Time's up Deixe um comentário Cancelar respostaO seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Campos obrigatórios são marcados com *Comentário * Nome * E-mail * Site Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. Δ