Faith Course | The word18/02/2025Faith Course | Vain Repetitions18/02/2025 Faith Course | Confession 18/02/2025 Faith Course | Confession How can we conclude that few people have learned the importance of confession? By the way they live Because they don’t get baptized Because they don’t belong to Grace Church None Why don’t believers have abundant life? Because they haven’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit Because they don’t give up their negative way of handling problems Because they don’t pray three times a day None When does a person seal his defeat? When he says he won’t make it When he stops praying When he stops going to church None What happens when you confess something? Nothing Something of a dubious value It becomes a reality None What will each one of us eat? Whatever God desires to give us Whatever luck brings our way The fruit of our lips None What does the Holy Spirit call the Christian walk? The true church Confession Eternal hope None The Greek word homologein translated as translated as confession means: To say the same thing An anointed sermon Paradise None What will happen if we do not make the right confession? We will never be promoted in church We will not take possession of our position in Christ We will be like Judas Iscariot None The confession of something that is apparently true gives the enemy: An opportunity to be saved Authority to continue attacking us An opportunity to evolve None Temptation in the form of sicknesses, adultery or another sin, is consummated when: We accept it The devil brings it on us Jesus doesn’t answer our prayers None If you acknowledge the symptoms, are you lying? Yes No Yes and No None What happens when you claim the Word and confess it? You become a distinguished believer You become a member of the church You unite yourself with the Lord None Our faith will be of no avail if we don’t… Fast and pray Act in accordance with the Word Go to church twice a week None What can we compare faith to? Salvation Paradise A permit from the Lord None What language should the children of God use? The language of faith The language of fear The language of the angels None What weapon will make us invincible? The confession that God exists The confession of Paradise The confession of our position in the Word None Speaking the Word of God at all moments and in all challenging situations will make: The devil weaker God come on the scene The angels build better mansions None What Church will appear when the true confession is made? The primitive Church The true Church The modern Church None Instead of taking a defensive attitude, what should the believer do? Attack the devil Remain humble Pray, because the situation looks terrible None When should you fear the enemy? When you haven’t fasted Never When you are in a foreign country None Time's up Deixe um comentário Cancelar respostaO seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Campos obrigatórios são marcados com *Comentário * Nome * E-mail * Site Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. Δ