Curso Fé | Vãs repetições21/12/2023Faith Couse | The five steps to victory18/02/2025 Faith Course | Ordaining 18/02/2025 Faith Course | Ordaining What is the best translation for the verb ask, according to John 14:13? Ask Ordain Beseech None Is it necessary for a believer to pray and ask to be healed? No It depends Yes None What must we do whenever we learn something new? Start practicing it Wait a while Not worry about it None Can we demand anything from God? Yes No It depends None When we ordain something, who are we commanding? God The devil Ourselves None What power enters into action when we ordain? The power of God The power of faith The power of the devil None When we practice the method of ordaining, what happens? We obey God We act on our own God obeys us None When we ordain, who obeys us? God Men The devil None How are the things of God? Hard to understand Easy for theologians Simple and uncomplicated None When we ordain something, we do it: In the name of God In the name of Jesus In our name None How should we pray to God? Begging for His blessing Asking according to His will Thanking Him None If we believe, we can ordain: Whatever we desire Whatever the Church promises Whatever is within our reach None If we ordain a healing, and the symptoms persist, what should we do? Pray and ordain several more times for the healing to happen Use medicine Ignore the symptoms None When Paul healed the lame man (Acts 13:8-10), how did he go about it: He beseeched God for his healing He ordained that he be healed He told him to say the Lord’s Prayer 20 times None What did the lame man have that was decisive for his healing? Faith He was a friend of Paul’s Religion None Time's up Deixe um comentário Cancelar respostaO seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Campos obrigatórios são marcados com *Comentário * Nome * E-mail * Site Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. Δ