Faith Course | The Name of Jesus18/02/2025Faith Course | Satan's defeat18/02/2025 Faith Course | Prayer 18/02/2025 Faith Course | Prayer What resource can we use in our most difficult moments? Prayer Fasting Lighting candles None What text contains the formula for prayer? Isaiah 43:26 Isaiah 9:1-11 John 3:16 None What did Jesus’ disciples do when they saw His success in prayer? They asked to let them stay with Him They asked Him to teach them how to pray They asked Him to sanctify them None How did the heroes of faith obtain success? They were chosen by God They walked with Jesus They knew how to pray None What is the first step in prayer? To remind God of His promises To ask for the things we need To start praising God None When we remind God of His promises, we… Do not allow Him to forget them Confirm our faith Free ourselves from the things that surround us None What is the second step in prayer? To kneel To argue our case with God To close our eyes None What does “argue the matter together” mean? To demand from God that which He owes us A battle, a war To wait for His answer None What else does “argue the matter together” mean? To go to battle with God, declaring His promises That God will judge us The trial of our faith None What should we do to receive all the best? Be obedient until death Fast and never give up Pray the prayer of faith None What is the third step in prayer? Wait patiently Wait confidently Present our case None What is the fourth step in prayer? To receive the blessing To be justified To present our needs None Why must we remind God? He is not omniscient He does not remember everything We are actually doing it for our own good None What must we do when we are taken to trial by someone? Be careful about our looks Avoid strange behavior Prepare ourselves for battle None Who usually wins a trial? Whoever doesn’t have a guilty conscience Whoever can prove his innocence Whoever bribes the authorities None Has the Lord ever lost a battle? No Yes Just once None Time's up Deixe um comentário Cancelar respostaO seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Campos obrigatórios são marcados com *Comentário * Nome * E-mail * Site Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. Δ