Faith Course | Satan's defeat18/02/2025Faith Course | More than conquerors18/02/2025 Faith Course | Resist 18/02/2025 Faith Course | Resist What happens to those who are born of God? They live in sin They are lucky They do not sin None Who preserves himself? He who is wise He who is born of God He who is religious None What happens to someone who is born of God and preserves himself? He speaks in tongues He prophesies The evil one does not touch him None After stating: Now is the judgment of this world, what else did the Lord Jesus say? That there would be a millennium That the prince of this world would be cast out That we should say the Lord’s Prayer None Who presented himself before the Lord, together with the sons of God? Satan Adam and Eve Moses None Where was Jesus tempted, according to the passage in Matthew 4:1-1? In the desert At Caiphas’ house At Gamaliel’s school None Who led Jesus into the desert to be tempted? The Pharisees The Spirit of God Mary None Why did the Spirit of God lead Jesus into the desert? To fast To pray To be tempted by the devil None What did Satan ask permission to do to Peter? To place him on the pinnacle of the temple To give him a bad headache To sift him like wheat None What did Jesus do for Peter when the devil asked to sift him? He prayed for him He didn’t do anything He wept and mourned None Why did the Lord Jesus pray for Peter? Because He loved him For his faith to not fail For him to lose weight None What should Peter do when he was converted? Confirm his brethren Pray without his hat on Stop using flashy clothes None When will Jesus’ sheep perish? After the millennium Never When they die None Who will snatch Jesus’ sheep out of His hands? Nobody Satan Anybody None What kind of temptation befalls us? Spiritual Infernal Human None What happens when we resist the devil? He cries He flees He doesn’t even care None What spoils the vines? The little foxes The fertilizer The weather None What weapon did Jesus use to resist the devil? Peter’s sword The Word of God A secret weapon None Who will King Jesus welcome? The Jews The creatures Those that are on His right None Since when has the Kingdom of God been prepared? Since the foundation of the world Since the death of Jesus Since the flood None Time's up Deixe um comentário Cancelar respostaO seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Campos obrigatórios são marcados com *Comentário * Nome * E-mail * Site Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. Δ