Faith Course | Confession18/02/2025Curso Fé | Realizando as obras de Deus18/02/2025 Faith Course | Vain Repetitions 18/02/2025 Faith Course | Vain Repetitions What is our means of communication with the Father? Penitence Prayer Offerings None Where does the Bible say that without faith it is impossible to please God? Mark 1:30 John 17:17 Hebrews 11:6 None Where does it say that Jesus promised to do everything we ask the Father in His name? Romans 13:8 John 14:13 John 3:16 None Why does Jesus do whatever we ask in His name? For our healing So the Church will receive more offerings For the Father to be glorified None Who should the Father be glorified in? In His Son In the Virgin Mary In the Church of Grace None What is the fifth principal we studied in this lesson? Loving your neighbor Believing Praying the Lord’s Prayer None How should we ask? With faith Insistently Desperately None What shouldn’t we do when we ask? Weep Believe Doubt None What is the doubter like? The wind The waves of the sea A mountain None What must we not use in prayer? Vain repetitions Slacks for women Hats on our heads None Who uses vain repetitions? The Jews Everybody Those who have not been born-again None For the non-believers, speaking a lot means: Being heard Merit Being foolish None When does the Father know what we ask for: When we pray Three days after our prayer Before we even ask None What did Jesus do to Himself when He took on our form? He promoted Himself He annihilated Himself He didn’t do anything None Who did Jesus become like? A man An angel An animal None After sending the multitude away, what did Jesus do on the mountain? He meditated He slept He prayed None Where did Jesus go, while it was still dark? To the temple To a deserted place To Peter’s house None How does Luke 6:12 say Jesus spent the night? Working as a carpenter In prayer to God Sleeping None Who told Jesus what to do or say? The Father Nobody The angels None What has the Father given us, that pertains to life? Nothing Everything A few things None Time's up Deixe um comentário Cancelar respostaO seu endereço de e-mail não será publicado. Campos obrigatórios são marcados com *Comentário * Nome * E-mail * Site Salvar meus dados neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar. Δ