The word
Vain repetitions
The word
Vain repetitions




The confession of what we believe can be positive or negative. Both are necessary and useful. A negative confession is what opens the door for the Lord to enter someone’s life. A person confesses he or she is a sinner, and accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior.

A negative confession should only be used when you begin your Christian walk, when you are saved, or when you fall into sin. Then you open your heart to God and tell Him all the wrong things you have committed. A negative confession allows God to forgive the repentant sinner and raise him to his feet.

We should make positive confessions constantly. At all times we must confess who we are in Christ and what belongs to us in Him. When we do this, the power of God has the authority to work His will in us.

To despise the Word of God is the greatest mistake one could make. As the Lord Jesus declared: For without Me you can do nothing (John 15:5). The Lord Jesus is the Word of God.

If we declare what we are in the Word of God, we will see the Word working in our favor as efficiently as it worked in the ministry of the Son of God. When we act like Jesus acted, we will obtain the same results.

God’s will is for us to be His representatives in this world, like Jesus was. We must act as His representatives, like Jesus did. This is our mission.

I pray that from this lesson on your confession will bring true praise to God.

In Christ,

R. R. Soares

If you observe how most so-called Christians live, you will come to the conclusion that few have learned the importance of confession. As a matter of fact, it is hard to find anyone who truly lives the abundant life Jesus came to bring us. The reason is that the people of God have not yet abandoned the negative way they face their problems and the attacks of the enemy.


When you say that you will not be able to overcome a certain problem, you have already sealed your defeat. This kind of confession allows the enemy to continue oppressing you and to consummate his destruction in your life. You are snared by the words of your mouth; You are taken by the words of your mouth (Proverbs 6:2).

You will invariably become or receive that which you confess.

When you speak negative or pessimistic words, you are using the devil’s own language. This creates an evil atmosphere around you, and it will be extremely difficult for you to see what wonderful opportunities are actually in store for you. A man shall eat well by the fruit of [his] mouth, But the soul of the unfaithful feeds on violence (Proverbs 13:2).


The Holy Spirit calls our Christian life our confession. confession.

Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus (Hebrews 3:1).

The word in the Greek original for confession is homologein, which means repetition of words, repetition of words, repetition of words, concepts and figures; to speak the same thing. concepts and figures; to speak the same thing. In concepts and figures; to speak the same thing. In other words, it means to say exactly what the Lord says in His Word.

Every time a trial befalls us, we should confess what the Lord says our position over all things is. By so doing, we release the power of God to work in our favor. He said: For I am ready to perform My word (Jeremiah 1:12).

When we confess the Word of the Lord God, we are taking our true position in the spiritual world. If we do not make the right confession, we will never take our position in Christ, and will never receive any blessings from God. Furthermore, when we stand on the Word of God and confess it, we receive an understanding of the Lord God we would never receive otherwise.


Suppose symptoms of some disease appeared in your body. You then use the resources of modern medicine, and wait patiently to regain your health.

You happen to meet someone who asks politely, “How are you feeling?” You answer, with a trace of satisfaction, that you haven’t been feeling very well; you feel a pain here and a pain there, and so on. You are confessing what is apparently the truth.

This attitude gives the enemy authority to continue attacking you. You have just accepted that problem, even though subconsciously.

We must emphasize that temptation through sickness – symptoms – does not mean you are already sick, just as temptation to commit adultery does not make you an adulterer; it is when you accept the temptation (consummation) that you become truly sick.

You might ask, “If I have the symptoms of a disease, should I lie and say I don’t have them?” No. The fact is that just by acknowledging the symptoms you are already lying. The Lord God states in His Word that by Jesus’ wounds we have already been healed. How can anyone be sick if God has declared that we are healed?

Our problem is that we believe in things, in symptoms, in people, more than we believe in God.

Someone suffers an accident. He lies in the hospital, covered with bruises and with several broken bones. The doctor comes in the room, and the person asks, “Doctor, how am I?” The doctor answers, “Oh, you are fine, really fine. You will be out of that cast in no time and back to your normal life”.

Then his friend comes into the room and asks the famous question, “So, how are you feeling?” The patient answers without hesitation, “Oh, I am doing just fine”.

That person spoke according to the doctor, but most believers refuse to speak according to the Word of God.

When you plant yourself firmly on the Word of God and confess it (no matter what you feel), you are uniting yourself with the Lord. No one who unites himself with the Lord will ever fail. But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit [with Him] (1 Corinthians 6:17).


We have already learned that faith is the evidence of things hoped for, and that we receive faith when we hear the Word of God.

Faith – the certainty that a blessing is ours – will profit us nothing if we do not act in accordance with the Word, confessing the position the Lord gave us over all things.

Faith is like a permit God gives us. When you feel faith rise in your heart, don’t sit around waiting for the right moment; act.


The children of God must speak the language of faith. Just as the incredulous and the fearful (neither one will enter the Kingdom of God) speak of their doubts and fears, we should also confess our possibilities in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

The confession of our position in the Word of God is a weapon that will make us invincible. With it we can put out all the fiery darts of the enemy. We must be bold in what we believe. The confession of who we are in Christ will cause the entire army of Hell to flee. This is what the Lord God says about our confession: Who confirms the word of His servant, and performs the counsel of His messengers (Isaiah 44:26).

People who live in defeat consider our way of speaking arrogant and reckless. They do not understand that this is the language of those who truly belong to the family of God.

To declare the Word of God at all times and in every challenging situation is to bring the God who worked wonders in the past onto the scene today. He will do the same wonders. This will heal the defeated Church we see today. Jesus bought the Church and sanctified her with His blood, imbuing her with the power of the Holy Ghost; nonetheless she is full of problems, struggles, divisions, sins and failures.

The true confession will cause the true Church to appear.


Now that you are full of faith, knowing who you are in Christ and what belongs to you by the Word of God, it is time to take a stand against the forces of evil that have risen against you to destroy you.

Look around to see in what areas the devil has tried to destroy you. Look at all the obstacles you think you will never be able to overcome, face them boldly with the Word of God and defeat them in the Name of Jesus.

Instead of trying to defend yourself against the next attack of Satan, attack him. Strike out at him right now, demanding that he and all that belongs to him leave your life.

Never again fear the enemy. Take hold immediately of what Jesus purchased for you.

Biblical References

Proverbs 6:2

“You are snared by the words of your mouth; you are taken by the words of your mouth.”

Proverbs 13:2

“A man shall eat well by the fruit of his mouth, but the soul of the unfaithful feeds on violence.”

Hebrews 3:1

“Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus.”

Jeremiah 1:12

“I am ready to perform My word.”

I Corinthians 6:17

“But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.”

Isaiah 44:26

“Who confirms the word of His servant.”

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