Photo: Melanie Dretvic


2025-02-08 03:00:00

Furthermore I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, let letters be given to me for the governors of the region beyond the River, that they must permit me to pass through till I come to Judah.

Nehemiah 2.7

         The journey of God's people to Babylon for 70 years was humiliating, but their return was dignified. For this to happen, King Artaxerxes gave Nehemiah letters to deliver to the governors beyond the river, as well as to the army commanders and horsemen. In fact, the Israelites would not have gone into exile if they had obeyed God. However, having learned their lesson, they returned to rebuild the Holy City and the entire country.


         Many people are playing games with the Lord. Although they are aware of God's justice and the biblical warnings, they prefer to live outside His presence. God is not to be mocked, for a man will reap what he sows (Galatians 6:7). Those who do not respect the Word make the wrong choice. Therefore, never disregard the warnings in Scripture about the eternal punishment of the impenitent (Revelation 21:8).


         The sad and anxious countenance of Nehemiah and those who accompanied him began to change. At every step, they felt the joy of the Most High, who was their strength, foreseeing how joyful it would be to renovate the walls of Jerusalem, pray to God, and worship Him in the land of their ancestors, where He had always shown Himself to be the Fortress of His beloved ones (Nehemiah 8:10). Of course, anxiety also increased, but God would be glorified and sanctified!


         Nehemiah took wood for the gates that had been burned, as well as other materials to close the gaps in the city wall. He knew that he would not receive a warm welcome from his people, as those who remained were discouraged. King Artaxerxes' cupbearer would restore everything with the Lord's help, and they were aware of this and were already imagining how the city would look after the walls and gates had been restored. Hallelujah!


         With God's love shining in his heart, Nehemiah knew that the work would be completed quickly. To do this, he used the strength and authority granted to him by the Persian king. As for Jesus' work of recovery in our midst—to reconnect us to the Father, restoring the fellowship we lost because of Adam's sin—we need not worry, because He who began the good work will complete it (Philippians 1:6).


           Imagine how pleased the saved will be when they see Christ return to earth to seek out His Church, bought by His blood shed on Calvary. He will say to all those at His right hand: Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Matthew 25.34). In fact, His faithful can't wait for that glorious Day, when they will ascend with the Lord and never hear the devil's lies again!


         Imagine how pleased the saved will be when they see Christ return to earth to seek His Church, bought by His bloodshed on Calvary. He will say to all those at His right hand, "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34). In fact, His faithful can hardly wait for that glorious Day when they will ascend with the Lord and never hear the devil's lies again!


         In the meantime, the enemy will do whatever he can to make us believe his lies, but we must never give in to them. Those who await Jesus' return will see how worthwhile it was to serve Him. They will never stumble over the obstacles placed by Satan to prevent them from reaching the heavenly Jerusalem. We are the beloved of the eternal Lord!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

Lord, our kind King! What a joyous day it was when Jesus declared that we are not of the world! This assures us that we will ascend with Him at His return. Nothing will stop us from living holy lives, because we have Your Comforter, the Holy Spirit.

With the letters from King Artaxerxes, Nehemiah returned to rebuild Jerusalem; with this, the city of the Great King would be re-established as the capital of the faith of Your people. We are waiting for the moment we will go to the heavenly Jerusalem, the majestic city from which we will never leave!

In the Name of Jesus, we will tell everyone how easy it is to be saved. Our mission is to rescue millions who are destined for eternal perdition. Your Kingdom of love will be our eternal home. We praise Your Name for Your work on our behalf!