2025-03-01 03:00:00
Through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Romans 5.2
The justification we have achieved by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior means that we have been declared innocent. Because of this, we can stand in God's presence without fear and remain steadfast in our battles against the devil. After all, being innocent of sin, there is no way the enemy can overcome us (Romans 8:1). Our lives changed completely when we heard the Good News of Christ's coming. Today, we have access to the blessings He has given us!
Unfortunately, many people don't learn the teachings of the Bible, but instead cling to dogmas created by men, and thus live in darkness. Now, no one has been given the ability to create doctrines in the church, because the Bible already contains everything that concerns us (2 Timothy 3.14-17). It is necessary to teach the Word of God to the lost. Who is man to usurp the place of the Holy Spirit, who already dictated to the biblical authors everything they needed to minister?
The Bible is a closed book, so it can never contain new precepts (Revelation 22:18,19). It must be read carefully so that God Himself can bear witness to His Word. When a person decides what should or should not be accepted in church, they have already turned away from God. Biblical guidelines are intended for our well-being now and in the future. Therefore, the Lord will make His revelations “jump out” at you, and then you will know how to act!
The Scriptures took around 1,600 years to be written by a group of around 40 people. There is not one revelation that contradicts another, because God is perfect in His deeds. Try to read the Word and meditate on it, and you will succeed in everything (Psalm 1.1-3). There are many lessons in the verses. There have been cases where the biblical writers didn't know what the other had written, but one account was the same as the other.
When you feel prevented from taking your place in Christ because of your past, remember: when you received Jesus as Lord and Savior, you were cleared. Your old sins no longer exist. Now, the devil will always come with his lies to prevent you from being the blessing that Christ's death made you. But take your position as a good steward of the mystery of God (1 Peter 4:10). The Lord is with you!
The grace that has worked and continues to work in your life is no less than that of any saved person. God does not give His Spirit by measure but abundantly. Let the Holy Spirit open your understanding in the Scriptures and begin to be and do all that the Father says about you. It doesn't matter what your function is in secular life; the Lord has made you a steward of His mysteries. We are different, because we have tasted salvation!
The Word declares that we must glory in the hope of God's glory. It wants you full of power, shining with the light of Christ, and ready to help people who need to come to God and solve any problems. Your position before the Lord is immutable, so represent Him with sincerity and love!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
God, our Vindicator! You are wonderful because, as well as saving us, You have given us the title of innocent of past wrongs. The guilt that martyred us has disappeared, so we are holy and blameless in the midst of a perverse generation!
We want to know more about our position in You so that we can represent You to those who are suffering and in need of the love and peace of Christ, which surpasses all understanding. In this way, we will lead them to be anointed for Your work!
We are grateful that You give us unrestricted access to the grace of justification. In this way, we can claim our rights without fearing anything. When Christ comes for us, we will go up with Him and live together with You forever and ever. Thank You for giving us salvation!