

2024-07-02 03:00:00

And the land of Judah will be a terror to Egypt; everyone who makes mention of it will be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the Lord of hosts which He has determined against it.

Isaiah 19.17


For years, Egypt was the largest country in the world, with a powerful army, to which people from other parts of the globe flocked. There were jobs, prosperity, a solid government, and peace throughout the land. However, the prophecy said that all the people of that place would be amazed at what would happen to them. And the nation of Judah, descended from King David, would be responsible for this. Understand that, in the context of the highlighted verse, Egypt and Judah are spiritual nations.


Egypt represents pagan religiosity, and Judah represents monotheism, which would come to reign worldwide since the Savior would descend from this tribe and the family of King David. There is no way that any man-made god can resist the command given in the Name of Jesus. The Good News of what Christ has done echoes across the planet, and all who surrender to Him become a wonder to those who don't believe in the power of His Name over evil spirits (Philippians 2.9-11).


The land of Judah symbolizes faith in Jesus. With it, the strength of the enemy yields before the authority of the Name that is over every name. That's why we are happy to go into the nations preaching salvation, healing, and deliverance in that Name and sanctification by the Holy Spirit. Today, there are priests from different religions converting and becoming true servants of the Most High. God is great!


People can no longer stand going after evil spirits, who are proving increasingly ineffective in the face of a servant who calls on the Lord in spirit and in truth (Luke 10.19). The time for the devil to deceive and oppress is over; now it's time for the Name of Jesus to set free those who are under the evil one's thumb. With Christ, we will show the lost the true God!


This is the purpose of the Father's heart towards those who discover faith: to enable them to go to Him, expose their needs, and come out blessed and free. In the gospel, you just have to believe what the Almighty says, because He has already done everything we need to live free from temptation and sickness. The person who finds the Master finds good and is never dominated by the evil one. Jesus is the Truth!


The Creator's plan is recorded in this biblical statement, written by the apostle Peter: The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3.9). That's why we preach the Word everywhere, in order to give people what they need to be saved. It doesn't cost them anything; they just have to want it!


The Lord has already determined the overthrow of the gods of the world. What we have to do is receive Jesus into our hearts, confessing Him as our Lord and Savior. From then on, we will receive the blessings in store for us!


In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer


God of eternal purpose! Those who were deceived, serving those they did not know, must be amazed at Your deeds and come to know Jesus as the Truth and You, beloved Father, as You are, in order to have their sins forgiven. The saved participate in faith in Christ!


By believing in You, they will get better and better. Thus, when the time comes to die, those who are still afraid of that hour will feel strong enough to leave this world and show up beside You in the streets of gold in Heaven. The unsaved live in fear, but the saved live in joy!


We are the ones who make spiritual Egypt tremble, because Jesus has already descended into Hell and defeated the devil and his demons. Today, we have a message to give to the world, so that people can receive a sense of dignity and win their battles!