Photo: Kateryna Hliznitsova - Unsplash


2024-11-21 03:00:00

And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.

Psalm 37.40

              Many people say they believe in God, but that doesn't mean much, because the Scriptures state that even demons believe: You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe - and tremble (James 2.19). The important thing is not to say that you believe in the Lord, but that you trust Him. Those who have this trust stand out from the crowd, because they are powerful in prayer and in resisting the cunning attacks of the enemy (Psalm125). God is faithful!


           The highlighted verse tells us how the Lord will act on behalf of the righteous. They walk according to His Word and will therefore never be defeated or destroyed. When they come under attack from the kingdom of darkness, they will rise up in the Name of Jesus and set out to inflict the deserved defeat on the evil spirits. Now, the purest truth is that the saved will never perish, but will live before the Most-High continually (John 5.24).


           The Holy Scripture shows the direction that God's servants, guided by the Holy Spirit, should take when attacked by Hell: Therefore submit to God; resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4.7). So, when the kingdom of darkness comes upon you and your family, don't be afraid or accept the evil one's suggestion to flee. Believe that, at your command, Satan and his demons will retreat in despair!


           The Lord has committed His Word, saying that He will help you and deliver you. So never back down or accept your suffering. Perhaps someone will ask: “Does God have a purpose in the evil that attacks a person?” No! No! That's not true! He has said that He will help you succeed in your battle against the prince of darkness. So, rest assured that the evil spirits will be annihilated, because the Word declares that you are victorious (Luke 10.19; 2 Corinthians 2.14).


           As well as making you victorious, God promises to deliver you from the kingdom of wickedness, saying that these “wicked ones” are demons who come to kill, steal and destroy you. Look firmly at Jesus' work on the Cross on your behalf, confess and believe that all the evil and filthy things they have said about you are pure lies (Colossians 2.15 ). The devil has never told the truth!


           The demons are the true wicked ones. When they followed Lucifer in his rebellion, they ceased to be what they were and became the enemies defeated by Christ. When the master liar speaks about you, he deceives all the time, because he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8.44). Likewise, is his way of accusing God's children of things they have never done and will never do. Satan's days are numbered, when he and his minions will be bound and thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone!


         You need to trust God for divine assistance at all times. So, stand up in faith, prepare yourself in the Word and in prayer and demand the devil and his demons out of your life. Our heavenly Father has given us the strength to triumph over evil onslaughts. In Christ, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8.37).


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer

Lord, our Solution! Having Your assurance that we will be helped whenever the devil rises up against us, we can declare in the Name of Jesus that we will not budge from our position in Him!


You also said that You would deliver us from the oppression of Hell, so we will go into battle knowing that we will return calm and without any suffering, because You protect us from the wicked and save us. We thank You for your care!


Father, You have given us the gift of trusting in You so that we don't lose the battle. In the Name of Jesus, we command the evil ones to disappear from our lives and never touch us again. We are your special people. Amen!