

2024-10-14 03:00:00

“Nevertheless in those days,” says the Lord, “I will not make a complete end of you.

Jeremiah 5.18

             Why didn’t Judah made amends, even though it saw the kingdom of Samaria be destroyed by the might of Assyria and never to return the way it was before? Where are the descendants of the sons of Jacob who have been scattered throughout the world? In those days, says the LORD, I will not make a complete end of you. Why did they go down the path of sin when they could have been examples of divine love? Why did Judah fall into the hands of the Babylonians?


           The more people forget God, the deeper they sink into transgression. Judah's end was suffering, because the people forsook the Fountain of Life. Now, this Fountain can renew those who trust in the Word, but many prefer to get dirty in the mud of iniquity, leading the whole family away from the One who could restore them. "One day", some say, "I will come back", but they never will, because sin blinds them and dominates them!


           The Israelites believed that those 70 years in Babylon would be the final destruction. This idea is similar to what some people say, thinking that after a time in "purgatory", they will go out and do whatever they want; after all, the price was paid. However, the Scriptures do not reveal this. In fact, there will be the final annihilation, in which Hell itself will be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 20.13-15). Never joke about God's matters and never lie. Otherwise, your destiny will be permanent suffering. Stick to the Word!


           Those who want a guaranteed future in heaven must give themselves to Jesus, join a church and never leave it. It's very important to attend church on Sundays, which is the day the saved gather to learn from the Lord (Habakkuk 10.24,25). The Most High wants His servants to reach the full knowledge of the Truth, and the Church is the pillar and ground of the Truth (1 Timothy 3.15). So don't be led astray by those who know that they will die eternally by loving the devil and serving him with dedication. Be alert and pray!


           It's good to try to draw near to the Lord, because with every step you take towards the Father, He will take others to meet you, as the Bible teaches: Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded (James 4.8). It's dangerous to let worldliness take over your being, it will lead you to perdition. Everything has already been prepared, so decide for Jesus with all your heart and live fully!


           Tomorrow may be too late to beg for God's forgiveness. Understand: Christ's return will take place in the twinkling of an eye (Matthew 24.27). It could happen in these days, when we have reached an advanced age, or when we have already died. Why risk it when you can decide where you will live forever? The Lord is knocking at the door of your heart to give you happiness at His side (Revelation 3.20). So, invite Him into your life and change it completely!


           Destruction will take place at Christ's return, when He comes for the saved. However, anyone who doesn't want to make a commitment to Him will be separated from the Truth and the Father's love (John 3.36). Is it worth being surprised to your detriment? Is it better to get right with God and wait for the Day of True Bliss? Make your decision now!



           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer

God and beloved Savior! We open our hearts to receive You as Father and Lord. We will not wait for another chance, if we can have Your comfort and Your peace flooding us with joy and power now. We need to live in You and for You!


We thank You for loving us unconditionally and giving us the certainty of eternal life, making us witnesses of Jesus. This makes us bold in the face of the enemy and his lies. We want to be destroyers of evil works among the people!

We are grateful that You instruct us in Your work and the way to follow, making us productive servants guided by You. This is proof of Your care for those called by Your Name. Your love is enriching!