

2024-07-25 03:00:00


Now this was the custom in former times in Israel concerning redeeming and exchanging, to confirm anything: one man took off his sandal and gave it to the other, and this was a confirmation in Israel.

Ruth 4.7

           Boaz was in love with Ruth, Naomi's widowed daughter-in-law. He fell in love with her from the first day he saw her picking up the leftovers of the harvest in his field, which, according to the Scriptures, were left for the poor (Leviticus 19.9, 10). This was Heaven's providence, so that Naomi, the mother-in-law of the Moabitess who followed her to Bethlehem, would be rewarded by her daughter-in-law's decision to love her. Ruth didn't know what would happen to her when she got to where Naomi would live, but she understood that it was her duty to accompany her on this journey!


           Few people are capable of doing as Ruth did: leaving her youth, her country and her culture, not knowing if she would find someone to marry, since she was a widow (Ruth 1.16,17). She was touched by the Lord, and her love for her mother-in-law was rewarded: Ruth became King David's great-grandmother (Ruth 4.21,22). You can't serve God expecting to profit; you have to offer yourself and do what He wants, even if that means not finding someone to marry or going through hardship.


           There are people around the world who imitate Ruth's example, acting selflessly, with noble attitudes like hers. It was not to be expected that the Moabitess would become the ancestor of the Son of God Himself, when He became incarnate to come and save us from eternal perdition (Luke 3.32). Ruth's loving heart also found a special place in the Lord. Her reward for such boldness was given by divine action. This faithful woman was very successful!


           God still guards and helps those who obey His touch and strip themselves of what they might have in the works of the flesh, in order to fulfill a specific purpose from Heaven. The Lord guides us and clothes us with joy to carry out His will, making us leave vanity and so many things we could enjoy, in order to lead the lost to the glory of the Creator. What act could be more noble than trusting in God?


           Today, many find themselves on the mission fields, suffering persecution and threats simply for carrying out the task delegated to them by the Lord! Friends and those who have been blessed by them no longer remember that those called bring the Light of life to those who perish in darkness. These unselfish people will receive the tremendous reward and love of the righteous Judge on the Day of Eternity (Matthew 5:10-12). It's good to be obedient!


           Jesus explained why He had invited those on His right hand to enter and possess the Kingdom prepared for them: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me. (Matthew 25.35,36). Is there anything better to do than obey the Master's command to Go? Those who aren't going should help those who are!


           Would you also take off your shoes to give them to Christ, saying that you accept His call on your life? When the kinsman redeemer saw what was implied in the goods he would receive, for making use of his right, he declined his preference. Thus, Boaz was able to enter the Lord's genealogy.


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer


           Lord of those who are perfect in You! Not all those who call You Lord will be admitted to Your Kingdom, but those who do Your will. That is why we come before You and Your holy angels to say that You can count on us and on the goods You have given us!


           What we are and what we have are Yours. What we will be and what we will have from now on already belong to Your Kingdom. We're in a hurry to follow Your lead, and that's why we've reached the position we have. Teach us to love You as we are loved by You!


           You have Jesus' victory won on the Cross on our behalf. The deal has been sealed, and You will help us to carry out Your purpose. We need to follow You always, so that we never show that Christ's blood was shed in vain. Thank You, Father!