

2024-10-13 03:00:00

And they shall eat up your harvest and your bread, which your sons and daughters should eat. They shall eat up your flocks and your herds; they shall eat up your vines and your fig trees; they shall destroy your fortified cities, in which you trust, with the sword.

Jeremiah 5.17

            The sufferings of Jacob's children are an example to us, because whenever they sinned, there was a high price to pay (Deuteronomy 28.15-68). In the desert, they didn't need to drink water, because the Lord preserved every molecule of the precious liquid in their cells. However, when they sinned, thirst came on strongly. During 40 years in that arid region, only twice did Moses have to make water gush out for the people.


           After Israel split into two kingdoms, the northern kingdom (Samaria) saw how much it hurt to turn away from God. Nineteen monarchs reigned there, but none of them served the Lord the way they should have. Then, one day, Shalmaneser, ruler of Assyria, came with all his might to destroy Samaria (2 Kings 18:9). After a while, Sennacherib rose up against Judah and was defeated (2 Kings 19:35-37). Even so, the Israelites didn't budge!


           After Hezekiah's death, Manasseh, Judah’s son, was not a good king, and those who succeeded him weren’t either, except for Josiah, about whom it was prophesied 336 years before he was born (1 Kings 13.2). He became proud and decided to confront Necho, king of Egypt, who was going to Carchemish against Babylon. Neco advised him to retreat, but Josiah didn't do so and was killed (2 Chronicles 35.20-24). The battle against Josiah weakened Neco, who was subsequently defeated.


           Josiah's successors did not act according to God's precepts and, instead of repenting of their sins and those of the entire nation, they remained lost. Jeremiah cried for them to return to the Lord and be saved, but they rejected the Almighty and were defeated by Nebuchadnezzar. He took the nation's elite, its youth and the wise men to serve in Babylon and they stayed there for 70 years. They witnessed the fulfillment of this prophecy and must have hated themselves for their mistakes.


           Who would have thought that the Most High would deliver them into the hands of the Babylonians, to whom they were once again slaves? Because they didn't live correctly, God allowed them to suffer and realize how bad they had been. Christians who sin again will also suffer on Earth in order to wake up and free themselves from eternal captivity. So, refuse Satan's offers, because affliction will come with great rigor!


           Unfortunately, not all people in Israel are Israelites (Romans 9.6). We can also say that the "saved" who don't heed God's warnings are not Christians. But one day, when they experience the rigor of divine justice, they will despair and cry out for help, forgiveness and mercy, but it will be too late. Analyze how you have behaved in the presence of the Lord and run back to Him. Whoever is thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone will die to God and never come out!


         We will go to glory sooner than we think. Now, those whose garments are stained with iniquity (Zechariah 3.4) will no longer have the opportunity to clean them - they will go to eternal torment - the realm of the dead without Christ. Wake up and come back to Jesus now!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer

Lord of the last word! It gives me goose bumps to think of the day when Jesus will return and we will no longer have time to even say a prayer, because everything will happen in the blink of an eye. We ask for mercy right now! Bring us back to holiness!

We want to be among those who will stand at Your right hand and hear You say: "Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world". Your voice will bring us great joy, and we hope to hear it from You on that Day!


Woe to those that prefer to return to their own vomit, from which they were already freed. Your mouth will open and that person will hear: "March into the eternal fire with the enemy and his angels, the messengers of evil". Father! Help us to snatch souls!