2025-03-04 03:00:00
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die
Romans 5:7
The fact that Jesus died for humanity is very beautiful and becomes even more so when you understand that He replaced you on the cross, paying the price for your defeat. Our illnesses, pains, infirmities and sins were placed on the Lord. He suffered it all and delivered us forever from evil oppression. We can say that we were blessed in His death, because He also made us kings and priests to God (Revelation 5.10).
The plan of salvation was complete, like all the deeds of the Most High, and benefited humanity. We can and must be examples to future generations that it is worth knowing Jesus and the power of His might. We are part of the work of redemption carried out in Christ's sacrifice, which is extended to those who hear about the Good News. We need to proclaim it to the lost of the world.
Everything about the Son of God's act of dying and rising again for our justification is still incomprehensible to us. But one day, in Heaven, we will know exactly what He did on our behalf, and then we will thank Him. You have to think of the millions of people who still haven't learned about humanity's salvation. They live under the wrath of the devil, suffering without knowing how to free themselves from the oppressions of evil spirits. Pray and believe!
As the basic verse of this message says, it may be that for a righteous man someone dares to die, but Christ did it for us when we were still living in sin (Romans 5:8). The price He paid was not low; it cost Him His blood. Jesus had a purpose: He was thinking of you and me. We were replaced when, on the cross, He faced the devil and his demons alone (Isaiah 53:4-6; Colossians 2:15).
Because He has foreknowledge, the Lord saw that people who did only evil were represented in Him, and so He took upon Himself their pains and infirmities, iniquities and transgressions, in order to take away from everyone what would lead them to perdition. Christ never complained or thought of resisting so as not to be arrested and handed over to the Romans. Because He loved us, He acted with joy!
Now, what are we doing to love Him? Well, many have not yet learned about the gospel. In this regard, the Master commanded us to go into the world and tell everyone the Good News (Mark 1.15). All we have to do is obey! Those who believe this story and confess their crimes are forgiven. However, anyone who doesn't take an interest in knowing how to obtain salvation will be held accountable before the true God and Lord (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Meditate on what your life is all about. Many people only think about the things of the flesh and therefore don't even come to God to receive forgiveness for their iniquities. Others prevent the Truth from dwelling in them because they like wrong practices. However, when Christ returns to the world to rapture His Church, the ungodly will be desperately distressed, because they will want to go up with Him, but they won't be able to!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
God of beautiful salvation! You loved us so much that You sent Your Son into the world to die on our behalf, redeeming us from original sin. The price paid by Christ is unparalleled. Once we have understood such an act, we ask for Your help to do Your will!
We thank You for the great love You showed us on that rough cross. Why was this necessary if we didn't even know the danger we were in? Anyone who hasn't realized the magnitude of that sacrifice can't imagine the cost!
Yes, Jesus paid with His life to justify us before You, Father. Today, the devil can no longer keep us under the ignorance of unbridled acts. Lord, we want to act according to Your Word, striving to snatch the lost from the eternal fire!