2024-11-05 03:00:00
Then everyone came whose heart was stirred, and everyone whose spirit was willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering for the work of the tabernacle of meeting, for all its service, and for the holy garments.
Exodus 35.21
At the time of the offering during service, there is no better attitude than to see people moved by the Lord to help in the work. But the devil hates this; after all, he wants the work of evangelizing the lost to come to a standstill, in order to humiliate us and, above all, God. Those who give are different from those who refuse to contribute to the Lord's work. Believe me: the faithful Christian is an example to others, because he has learned that it is by giving that one receives (Luke 6.38; Acts 20.35). Listen to the Word and obey it!
On one occasion, Elisha's ministry was going through a financial crisis, and an individual brought an offering, which resulted in a great miracle: And a man came from Baal Shalisha, and brought the man of God loaves of the first fruits, twenty loaves of barley bread, and newly ripened grain in his knapsack. And he said, “Give it to the people, that they may eat (2 Kings 4.42). Faced with this, the ministry executive asked the prophet what to do with so little bread, since a hundred men needed to eat. Another miracle was needed!
Could it be that they hadn't prayed enough, or that there were sinners among them, so God would put them to shame? Look at the prophet's reply, assuring them that nothing would be lacking: "But his servant said, 'What? Shall I set this before one hundred men? And he said: Give it to the people, that they may eat; for thus says the LORD: They shall it eat and have some left over (2 Kings 4.43). Because Elisha was in covenant with the Lord, that food would be sufficient. Hallelujah!
This was a test for the prophet, but since he knew the Almighty and served Him, everything would be resolved. So, he waited calmly for the person who would plant his seed, collaborating with the loaves, and that would be enough for everyone to be fed. Elisha believed that there would be plenty; after all, the Lord's measure is to provide abundantly: So he set it before them, and they ate, and had some left over, according to the word of the LORD (2 Kings 4.44). We need to learn to believe in the Lord in order to live by faith.
The Most High spoke to Elisha's heart that it would be enough for many men to eat, and there would still be leftovers. Similarly, when we have to pay the bills and other expenses of the work, we receive from those who voluntarily give what they feel in their hearts, and there will be more than enough to pay for everything. How can we teach people and our brothers and sisters that God supplies all our needs? Well, He is just and faithful in everything (Ephesians 3.20).
The people built the tabernacle of meeting and, as directed by the Lord, they completed the work with His help. Now, if the mission is not authorized by God, it will be difficult to finish it. However, if it comes from the Father's heart, it will be done with joy and the cooperation of all (Psalm 127.1). The examples of the Old Testament serve to incite us to do more for the Kingdom, because God will supply our needs (Philippians 4.19). Believe and rest!
Those with a willing spirit feel how much they have to give to God's work (2 Corinthians 9.7). However, if the Father has not called them to do this, what is the point of doing it? Those who keep the commandment, love God (John 14.21), so there will never be any shortage in their ministry!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
God, Leader of the work! When we are under Your guidance, we believe that Your hand will strengthen us in everything. As Your burden is light and Your yoke is easy, crises will be solved!
Elisha was listening to the king of Syria 300 km away and what You were deciding in Heaven about his ministry, including the feeding of the disciples. You are everything we need to fulfill our mission, so we must listen to you.
You used Moses in a great and victorious way. Throughout the 40 years in the desert, the Israelites never lacked bread. Father, we want that bread to give to Your people every day. You moved the hearts of the people to help build Your house and You are doing it today!