Photo: Hasan Almasi


2024-10-26 03:00:00

Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.

Matthew 23.9

           Before I start writing about this verse, let's understand that Jesus is not talking about natural fatherhood. So, let's not treat our parents as mere providers of genetic material, because the Bible states: Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise, that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth (Ephesians 6.2,3). All respect for the couple used to bring us into being is good and useful!

         Adoptive parents should also be honored. If you were raised by them, it's because God's love chose them to do so. Just as we like someone to thank us when we do something on their behalf, even if it's simple, those who have adopted a child and worked hard to raise them are important people before the Lord. Gratitude is a characteristic of the saved (1 Thessalonians 5.18). Let's be grateful to God, the true Father!


           There are countless foster parents. I've had several since I was serving the Lord. I remember the pastors who passed on to me Heaven's counsel. I am grateful to those who gave me even a little of the Water of Life, which nourished me and prevented me from going astray. The heavenly Father will reward them for the benefit they have freely given me (Mark 9.41). Never be ungrateful, but intercede for those who have helped you in faith!

           There is a long list of those who have paid dearly to evangelize us, some even with their lives. We haven't even heard of many who dedicated themselves so that the Good News would reach the lost. They did this out of strict obedience to the Lord of the harvest. Abraham began the process of salvation, which continues to take place. The good thing is that God never abandons those who trust in Him and treats them with love and protection. We are well cared for by the Most High, who has called us to be part of His people.

          It is not correct to say that the servants used to lead us to salvation are the authors of it. In fact, it was the Author and Finisher of our faith who saved us (Hebrews 12.1,2). They had good intentions in giving us what they received from Heaven, but they also received something from other people so that the work could be done in them too. Our thanks must be given to God, the Father. His love made Jesus incarnate to redeem us from the fall and justify us so that we can be in fellowship with the Father (1 Corinthians 15.57).


          May we also live to save the lost, helping them to free themselves from the oppressions brought upon humanity by the enemy. Those saved through our work owe us nothing, for we serve the One who called us, prepared and sent us to bring forth more children for Him. It is beautiful to see the Lord moving in these days, compelling us to live the Gospel and help the afflicted. It is hoped that every saved person will never interrupt the divine flow of mercy to the suffering.


           Remember: our Father is in Heaven, in charge of His work, knowing full well how He will use us. Therefore, the least we can contribute is to be submissive to what God has taught in His Word, striving to go all the way and fulfill our mission. So be the good and faithful servant; then He will give you the eternal reward!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

God, eternal Father! Knowing how patient and hopeful You are towards the children You have obtained through our instrumentality; we see how important it is to live before You in holiness and love. We are examples to those who are called to serve You!


We are not perfect, so we have to be patient with those who let the enemy use them to hinder the work of restoring lives for Your Kingdom. Your servants are just like the rest of us; for this reason, we ask for forgiveness and help!


May there never be any slave masters or impostors among us, nor those who allow themselves to be used by the spirit that led Korah and his companions astray! Deliver from any deviation those who have received Jesus as Lord and Savior! May they be grateful to You and to those who have treated them as children!