Photo: Marina Vitale


2024-10-23 03:00:00

They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues.

Mathew 23.6

Many people have delusions of grandeur. They feel important in their field and consider themselves superior to others. This is a deviation whose origin is the devil. We need to be what God says we are, building ourselves up as the house of the Lord, the dwelling place of the humble in heart (Matthew 11.29). We must strive to be approved to the praise of God's glory. This is the obligation of the servant of the Most High (Ephesians 1.12).


Wanting to be what the Creator has determined for you is beneficial and does great good both in the natural world and in the realm of the Spirit. We have been born again in Christ and accepted by the Father (2 Corinthians 5.17). So, we are no longer poor wretches, living in affliction. Those who have been reached by God's grace are saved, delivered and healed from evil. Hallelujah!

Jesus has made us kings and priests to God and His Father (Revelation 1.6). That's why we must never go beyond what the Scriptures say: never occupy the first seats in any meeting unless you are invited to sit there (Luke 14.7-11). As kings, our place is on the Lord's throne, so don't exchange it for man's. It's ugly to be impatient to be honored. Let them see us and call us forward.

If you're not called, don't seek a promotion to a more important position in the church, city or country. It is our duty to trust in the fact that God is more than sufficient to justify us. Never be upset if you are not considered, but remain steadfast, for you will be recognized by the Angel of the Lord when He comes in glory to seek His Church, which belongs to Him. Your position will be more satisfying than it is today!

Being put in front of everyone's eyes is much better than being sent to the back of the room. So, if you're sure you deserve this prominency, receive it. Now, when you humbly go to the back and you are or are not asked by the hosts to go up front, your “demotion” won't hurt you. If you're promoted, others will think twice before attributing anything negative to you, since you've received the best possible recognition, as well as the publicity that cost you nothing.

At parties, congresses, churches or other venues, never use politics to gain any advantage, because when another authority is elected, you won't even receive an invitation. However, if you act naturally, doors will be opened to you. In the church, only God can appoint you to the spotlight. But remember: For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required (Luke 12.48b). This is a rule of the Kingdom of Heaven!

Doing the Lord's will, will earn you the same title Abraham received - friend of God -, as the Bible states: And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God (James 2.23). Jesus said that those who hear His Word are His friends (John 15.14). How about having Him as your Friend?


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

Lord, our Friend! We don't want to complain or ask You to put us in a place of relevance. Being Your friend is enough! When You deem it necessary, You will lift us up wherever You want. Our concern must be to listen to You!


In the world, people pay to be promoted; in Your Kingdom, You call whom You wish. The important thing for us is to belong to Your group, to do Your will and to rest in Your shadow. You are the Omnipotent One and You will not fail to bless us!


How many times have we been surprised by Your visitation, whether in church or reading the Word? You speak to our hearts, reminding us that we are loved by You to be where You want us to be. We will be satisfied with Your care and protection!