Photo: Hiroshi Kimura


2025-03-09 03:00:00

Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

Romans 3.20

           No matter how brilliant and charitable a person is, helping the needy, whom are often overlooked, doesn't guarantee them any favor with God or man, nor does it give them the right to be blessed. In fact, they need faith in the Lord, which is freely given by listening to the Word. There is nothing better than searching the Bible for God's will, believing in it and carrying it out.


           When we talk about the manifestation of God's justice, it doesn't mean that there was a war in which the Savior and His angels fought bravely against the powers of Hell and won, but it does mean that Christ went to Hell to strip the devil and the demons of the power stolen from man. Jesus suffered all that Satan could do to us (Colossians 2:13-15). Now, we are free from the attacks of the kingdom of wickedness, because the Savior practiced divine justice by receiving our sufferings into Himself (Isaiah 53:4,5).


           God's justice was manifested without the Law, out of the Almighty's pure love for us, in giving His Only Begotten to pay the price for our fall. There is and will be nothing more to be paid, because our punishment, because of Adam's transgression and ours too, has been placed on the Savior. Both the Law and the prophets spoke about what would happen in order for us to have peace with God, to which the Holy Spirit bore witness (Romans 5:1). We have been cleared!


           The divine justice wrought by Christ has freed us from the law of sin and death, so whoever accepts Jesus has everything, but whoever does not receive Him has nothing (Romans 8:2). We are heirs to the work He did on the cross, and we will be free forever. We will no longer have to accept the afflictions experienced by the Savior. So let's be grateful for that. Our reaction must be to drive out the evils so that they don't touch us!


We need to preach this fact to people, regardless of whether they are successful or not; after all, God's righteousness, brought about by faith in Christ, is meant for everyone. Examine the Bible in relation to those who believe (Romans 3.22). There is no difference between the saved or the most privileged, but rather those who learn about their right to serve the Lord. These will never let the devil invade their lives with lies. We are the people set free by Truth!


           No one should boast about being intelligent, having degrees, or wealth. Everyone is on the list which says that everyone has sinned, and this is because we don't resist the enemy's attacks: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3.23). We have been bought at a good price, so we can never let temptations exist in our minds because we have already been delivered from the devil!


           How beautiful is the statement of the basic verse of this message: we have been justified by God's love in the act of giving His Only Begotten to die in our place. By surrendering our lives to Him, we have received salvation. So let's live worthily to give honor to the Lord, and that will help others to follow our example!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

Almighty God! We give glory neither to ourselves nor to anyone else, only to Jesus, who justified us by suffering our afflictions. Without Your help, no one can speak of Your work because it is beyond human comprehension. You are great!


With His own blood, Your Son bought us for You. How can we refer to this act without getting emotional? You are the reason we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, and for that we give You our eternal gratitude. In You, we will always be more than conquerors!


Use us to announce to the lost that You will bring them into Your fold. We are sure that we will never perish but will live at Your side, praising You for eternity. We must snatch countless lives from the fire!