

2024-07-16 03:00:00

And the fish that are in the river shall die, the river shall stink, and the Egyptians will loathe to drink the water of the river.

Exodus 7.18


           The Lord began to show His power over all of Egypt, making a millimetric division between the Egyptians and the Israelites. They were hit, but Israel wasn’t. People don't understand who God is, not even many who call themselves Christians know how to pray to Him and get their petitions answered. Hosea declared: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4.6a). Let us teach all things (Matthew 28.20).


         The Bible says of Hosea's words: But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel (Romans 9.6). The Word will never fail, but a lack of faith will not let it work. Now, one can't have faith by asking the Holy Spirit to help you with what the Bible says. When one reads it, it's as if they don't believe the following instruction: So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10.17).


          Pharaoh didn't believe in God, thus, he would see how wrong he was. Now, within his country, there were the Israelites, whom he enslaved, who could help him understand God's will. However, the king wasn't interested in it. The Most High sent the message: Thus says the Lord: “By this you shall know that I am the Lord” (Exodus 7.17a). He could never be considered similar to the false gods. In the land of Egypt, they were welcome, but the true God was not. Pharaoh would suffer greatly until he let Israel go.


           Moses said that he would strike the waters of the river, and they would not be fit for consumption, because they would become blood. How courageous of God's servant to say that he would obey God's command. Certainly, he had never seen it happen, but after 40 years away from that land, his life had changed and, with his arrival, he would change even the king's heart. It wasn't a threat, but if he didn't free the people, Pharaoh would face the consequences.


           The decision was in Pharaoh's hands. You see, he couldn't confess that he wasn't a deity, as the Pharaohs claimed. Because they considered themselves sons of Osiris, they called themselves living gods. How insolent! How many lies were used to dominate the poor and ignorant people! He had no power to devour Aaron's rod, which turned into a snake and devoured the staffs of the sorcerers (Exodus 7.8-13). Pharaoh was a living god of lies, just like the rest of them. Mercy!


           Moses then struck the waters, which turned to blood, and a stench was felt everywhere. No one could drink from the waters. Where was the living god, who had no power to annul the divine action? The plague of the waters turning to blood flooded the country, proving that this king was not what he thought. The rod struck the waters, and what the servant of the Most High had spoken came to pass. Moses had the true God with him!


           Faced with the false god, the son of Osiris, Moses was bold with the rod of Aaron, the brother who helped him on this mission. It turned the waters of Egypt into blood. Then the fish died, the river stank, and the Egyptians couldn't drink the river water. This was warned by the servant of the one true God.


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer


           Lord of infallible plagues! It was the beginning of a nightmare that would grow. You were determined to bring Your people out of Egypt in peace, so that no one would suffer from the exodus that would soon begin. Pharaoh continued to resist Your command!


           The king of Egypt was hardening his heart, but his legs were trembling with fear of what would come next. The command was clear: "Let my people go". Now, when You command a person to do something and they don't do it, they will know Your wrath, which will never cease until victory!


           The Egyptian people were alarmed by the plague and certainly didn't know that You were working against their country. Pharaoh was being despised and his image in the eyes of his subjects was reduced to that of a mere man. We are grateful for Your providence, Father!