

2024-10-12 03:00:00

Their quiver is like an open tomb; they are all mighty men.

Jeremiah 5.16

What use does Satan's quiver have today, if Jesus has stripped him of the authority he stole from Adam, with which he mistreated us? Woe to those who don't bow before the Most High in order to be saved and receive power over the adversary! When temptation comes, that person will be trapped by the perverse desires of his heart and once falling into sin, will be oppressed. True freedom only exists in Jesus (John 8.36).


Whoever accepts Christ as Lord and Savior is freed from evil oppressions. This way, they become unreachable to the devil. But if you sin and don't repent, it's as if you've surrendered to him: Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? (Romans 6.16).


When a Christian sins, he immediately feels a deep sadness. Some are so bothered by this behavior that they lose their peace. However, when they confess their mistake, they receive God's forgiveness. That's why we must never stop opening up to the Lord, because we have to walk with our heads held high before Him. It is impossible to know what time the thief will come, but if we are in fellowship with the Father, the evil one's plans will be irrelevant, because we will be with God in His hiding place - His Word!


Psalm 91 clearly states that by dwelling in the hiding place of the Most High and doing His will, the enemy cannot reach us: Because he has set His love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name (Psalm 91.14). He set His love upon us. If you act accordingly to the Word, you will never be overtaken by the enemy, because you will be in high place. You and the Lord are unbeatable!


King David is an example of a servant who was delivered from his adversaries. He declared: He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me; for they were too strong for me I (2 Samuel 22.18). What was his secret in achieving this feat? David learned very early how to act: I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I will be saved from my enemies (Psalm 18.3). Whoever does so will surely witness Heaven's response!


Sennacherib, king of Assyria, had confidence in his mighty men. He trained them for the worst of times and, with this army, he defeated all kingdoms. However, this evil king found in Hezekiah, king of Judah, a man who knew how to call on the Lord. One day after threatening the king of Judah and planning to invade Jerusalem, Sennacherib woke up and saw that his 185,000 mighty men were no more, because the angel of the Lord had wiped them all out (2 Kings 19.35). Trust in God!


When Jesus died, He went to hell for you and me and stripped Satan's mighty ones of their strength. So never fear the devil's threats, because he and his demons are eternally defeated. Christ came to save us and destroy the works of hell. Get right with the Lord and live carefree, because the braves of the kingdom of darkness can no longer touch God's anointed (1 John 5.18). Hallelujah!


In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

God, our Deliverer! What a work You have done for those who believe in You! But some people, unaware of this redemptive deed, suffer at the hands of Satan and his evil spirits. We will only fear our Savior, the Almighty, who truly loves us!


Father, before your Son came into the world, the devil ruled the Earth as the invincible one and tortured people. However, the death of Jesus, who, with His blood, bought us out of affliction for You and made us more than conquerors. You are the Greatest!


The devil's quiver remains an open tomb, with no power over the Christian who loves and serves You. Our victory has been guaranteed, so we praise Your Name, which has freed us from all suffering. Now we are free!