Photo: Razvan Chisu


2024-10-27 03:00:00

 And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.

Matthew 23.10

             Calling someone a Teacher is more serious than we think, but you see that the verse refers to the respect to be paid to the Lord. This does not mean that the Most High is offended by this term in an academic context, for example. Now, if you consider that one, some or all of the prophets of religions can be called enlightened - masters - you are putting them on an equal footing with the one God, and this can be the beginning of a deviation in faith.

           Many people call those who have started any cult, which has become a religion, masters or prophets because they have collaborated a little with humanity. The Lord warns us against this, because only Christ is our Master, who redeemed us from the fall of Adam, paying all our debts (Colossians 2.14,15). The Savior has this designation because He is who He is. We submit to Him as servants with total reverence.

          Not even someone who teaches the Word should be called a Master. Sometimes it's someone who answers questions without consulting the Lord and, over time, makes up doctrines outside the Scriptures. When a person asked Jesus, “Lord, are there few who are saved?”, He replied, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able” (Luke 13:23,24). Believe and fight!


           No one can show us the way to the Father, only Jesus (John 14.6). There isn't and won't be a man capable of doing this, because no one can take the place of Christ, our Savior. The important thing is to reject the flattery of those who seek to obtain favor. Jesus' work on the Cross, because He was the Only Begotten of the Father, reserved for Him the beautiful position of Master (Phillipians 2.5-11).

           We must honor God's servants who transmit the Truth to us, but within biblical limits. Many who minister the Word cannot be compared to the Lord. The Roman centurion knelt before Peter and revered him, but the apostle made him stand up, saying that he was a man just like him (Acts 10.25,26). Peter was used by the Most High to preach the Gospel, so that the centurion and his household would convert and be baptized in the Holy Spirit. The apostle's attitude counted for that!

           Moses was the great leader of the Hebrews, but they despised the true Master. Why did they do that? Because they didn't want to be “ruined”, because with Christ they would lose the “resources” that religion provided them with to live. The descendants of Abraham who regard Moses as their Master are lost. But we must lovingly show them who will set them free and turn them into true blessings: Jesus!

          Taking the Good News to the lost, whether Jews or Gentiles, will give us the reward that the Scriptures promise to those who love God (1 Corinthians 2.9). Evaluate how you have been doing. Do you allow yourself to be taught by the Master, who wants to make your life what He planned, even before He gave His first command: let there be light? (Genesis 1.3). Let the Light shine, and you'll know why you came into existence!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

God, our Teacher! Your goodness and love fascinate us, because they make us walk with You again, love our brothers and sisters in Christ and the lost. We want to be used more in Your work, so that everyone can see how good the Gospel is!

In the Good News, we only have one Master, Christ, and that is enough for us. We don't want to go backwards for any reason. Let's move forward to walk closer to You and do what You command us. In this way, we will fulfill Your purpose!


No human being is fit to be the Master. Now, those who have received Your call to carry out the most important work on Earth, evangelism, are important in Your eyes and in ours too. May they always be blessings in You!