2025-03-07 03:00:00
And by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Acts 13.39
One of the most important things Jesus did when He came to Earth was to justify those who believe in the Good News, the Gospel. A person may have committed sins whose consequences were grave and may be the most hated person in the world, but if they hear that the Savior came into the world to replace them on the cross, taking upon Himself the sins of humanity, learn that He rose again to redeem all and call out for the blessing, they will be justified by faith (Romans 5.1).
Next, that person is declared innocent in Heaven, as if they had never done wrong. The Lord became incarnate to bring those who believe in Him new birth and freedom from any condemnation. The saved don't need to justify themselves, but confess their iniquity and enjoy the gift of having their fellowship with God restored through the payment of Christ's blood (1 John 1.6-9).
The verse under study says that we have been justified from all offenses; therefore, we have no need to pay back what has already been paid. The Scriptures assure us: There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit (Romans 8:1). Your justification takes effect from the moment you receive Him as your Savior and begin to serve Him as a regenerate person.
The law has been fully fulfilled by the Master. In this way, whoever comes to Him to take their place as saved becomes blameless before God. So, if you have a past that bothers you, you are now completely free of that pain of conscience because the Savior has settled the entire debt. There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Who are you in?
When you understand that your record has been cleansed by Christ, accept this act performed on your behalf and enjoy your new life in Him. If you refuse Him as your Substitute and Savior, you will remain under the command of the infernal kingdom; then, when you leave this world, your eternal destiny will be in the lake of fire and brimstone (John 3:36). Anyone who is not in Christ is in the hands of tormenting spirits, who lead them from sin to sin until they die!
Those who refuse to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior never succeed and always have their lives claimed by demons. However, the one who takes his place with Christ, becoming a new creature, has his past erased and the chance to be victorious: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). The one cleared by Jesus writes a new story.
No one is justified by suffering at the hands of evil spirits, but by believing in the Son of God. Why accept the enemy's lies when you have the opportunity to be free from the devil's evil once and for all? Believe and commit yourself to the Lord, and your future will be written with only good things. And when life ends here, you will live in heaven!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
God of justification! You are good and powerful to give us eternal life, full of good things. To be part of the work done by Your Son is to be happy forever. The best thing is that we will live free from every evil force and will no longer stumble in this world!
The Law of Moses could not redeem man, but the law of freedom in Christ has done what would never have happened otherwise. We are grateful that You have included us in the replacement You planned. Now we are completely clean to write our true story!
May we live for You, fulfilling Your command to spread the Good News to all! Through it, multitudes are leaving perdition to take on salvation. There is no way to find the right words to thank You, so accept our gratitude from the bottom of our hearts!