

2024-07-04 03:00:00

Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image which I have set up?  

Daniel 3.14


         The sagacity of a man without Jesus, even if he joins or leads a church, is very dangerous and deceives many people. No wonder Nebuchadnezzar became the king of Babylon. Some people use various means to be what God has not called them to be, and in doing so, they distort God's work and prevent the salvation of those who are on their way to Hell.


           The Babylonian king seemed omnipotent, because he always got what he wanted. His goal was to benefit himself. So, being an authority, he did everything to get his wishes fulfilled. Nebuchadnezzar wanted to be worshipped like a god! Poor life! He had no idea what he was doing. To make him recognize his mistake, God let him live in the middle of the forest. That king started living with wild animals, eating grass and looking like a monster (Daniel 4.29-33). Living in disobedience has terrible consequences!


           When the proud king's ego was high enough, surrounded by sycophants and led by the devil, he had a statue of himself erected, all in gold, to be venerated. There was no shortage of specialists for this task. So, the day of the solemnity was set. Those who held positions in the kingdom were present, wearing extravagant clothes, ready to go to the limit of irrationality and worship the work of men's hands. That monarch was fulfilled!


           During the consecration of the statue, to the sound of music, everyone had to prostrate themselves and, in a loud voice, say in unison: "Great is our king, Nebuchadnezzar!". Like someone out of control, the king was getting swollen with that devil worship, and even the enemy himself was laughing. There were thousands of people, or perhaps millions, since the ceremony took place all over the kingdom. Homage was paid to the poor wretch who thought he was a god. Only the young Hebrews didn't perform this ritual, because they would only bow before the true God!


           The king loved those boys, because they were talented and faithful to the Lord. However, when he heard that none of them had bowed, the fury of a deceitful god rose up in his heart, and he ordered them to be brought before him. This would be a great trial for the servants taken from Judah. When he saw them, Nebuchadnezzar used a strategy inherent to the shrewdest: he asked them if they hadn't bowed down on purpose. The answer was sincere and definitive, and caused the wrath of that leader!


           The young men would pass the last "test" to be approved by the Lord. They stared at the king and refused to act against the true God. Emboldened, the king ordered the music to be played again. If they didn't surrender to the worship of the golden statue, they would be thrown into the furnace, which was lit seven times hotter than usual. Faced with this threat, the young men declared: If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and He will deliver us from your hand, O king (Daniel 3.17).


           God's servants continued: But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods nor will we worship the golden image which you have set up (Daniel 3.18). They were thrown into the fire with all the king's fury, but God kept them company, and they suffered nothing. Whoever bows down to other gods gets burned. Because they didn't lie, they were delivered. Be truthful!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer

           Beloved Lord! We cannot use lies, because they lead us away from You, and that can never happen. Deliver us from betrayal, because we want to be received by You in the rapture. Thank You for Your promise not to abandon us!


           We need to refuse the wiles of evil men, for they want to satisfy the flesh and, by extension, the desire of the evil one. Gold and silver can't buy us. We have already accepted You and we will never stop serving and loving You. Help us in our weaknesses!


           We are Yours with all our heart and, before You, we say that we need to know ourselves in You. This way, Your work will be fully accomplished. Thank You for making us Your servants!