2025-01-14 03:00:00
It is God who avenges me, and subdues the peoples under me.
2 Samuel 22.48
God's will is to take full revenge on the enemies who attack you, causing you to go wrong on a daily basis and suffer the most terrible illnesses. The forces of darkness will certainly pay a high price for what they do to people, including the lost, who think it's natural to practice what the Creator condemns. He will not ignore the actions of demons on the weak in faith!
The Lord instructs man to rise up against his adversaries, who oppress him in any area of life. The Christian must learn to obey God's purpose in order to succeed in any battle. Jesus has already empowered us to do the same works as He did in His day on earth. Never stop giving credit to Christ's victory!
As long as the devil and his demons are not under the feet of Christians who live the reality of the new birth, the return of Jesus Christ will not take place. So says the Holy Bible: And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen! (Romans 16:20). So stand firm in your position as a faithful servant!
All vengeance will not let a single unclean spirit triumph over heaven's warriors. They must act like David in their fight against sin. Evil spirits cause unimaginable damage. Because of the devil's interference, even though we walk with Christ and have been given authority over darkness, we don't use the tools we've been given to free the oppressed. How long will we fail to do what we have been commanded to do?
The Christian who lives according to the world, prospering to spend on frivolous things, failing to contribute to missions and caring about the lost, is probably still under the sway of the evil one. When we are set free by Jesus, we revolt against the evil that the devil carries out against our fellow human beings, and then we set out with the desire to deliver those who are under his dominion. Christ really does set us free!
Take the expression whole revenge and use it in your prayers to the Father, asking for it to become a reality for you. Don't let the enemy afflict you by invading your soul, staining it or tearing it apart. It is your duty to forbid him to touch your life: Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The Lord's part will be done. Will you do yours too?
People need to submit to Jesus, to whom David was referring in the biblical verse. We too have been included in this revelation, so we will fight the good fight and give our souls no respite until we are in heaven. The Lord subjects people to those who are prepared by Him to be delivered from evil. The saved are special to God. So let Him be special to you!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
Lord of all vengeance! How small-minded people are who know nothing of You and don't want to know. Life with Jesus makes us victorious, and that satisfies us in part, because we want to see Your full vengeance at work on our behalf!
You told Joshua that no one would stand before him, for You would be with him wherever he went, helping him to overcome evil. He believed and occupied all of Canaan; moreover, he gave the people Your guidance on how to proceed in holiness before You!
Thank You for this promise! It will not leave us idle in anything we have to do. That is why we will overcome the enemies who rise up against us. You are our Strength, our Helper, who will make us triumph over everything that comes against us!