

2024-07-06 03:00:00

But no one at the table knew for what reason He said this to him.

John 13.28

         We often act recklessly when it comes to our spiritual life. Even when we stand before God, we fail to understand the reason for His revelations and proceed in the wrong way. All the advice in Scripture serves to adjust us to the Lord's will, and this is the best He has for our lives. Don't live in sin, don’t cower in fear or follow a bad example. These are the mistakes of those who still don't know the Truth. Be holy in everything!


           Without the help of the Holy Spirit, it's not possible to understand the Bible, which is why pastors and other evangelists need to be well with their heavenly Father; otherwise, they could minister something with their own interpretation, different from sound doctrine, and lead people into doctrinal error. This danger is more damaging than a lack of understanding of the Word. So never stop going to the house of God, especially Sunday services. Strive to be a present servant!


           When the evil spirit wants to hinder some people's prosperity, it leads them into sin and gives them the desire to buy a country house, a beach house, etc. In this way, they have a certain destination on the weekends and don't go to church. The Lord talks about neglecting the communion of saints: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching (Hebrews 10.25). God knows what He's saying!

           Don't be like Peter, whom the Lord loved and warned of a plan to lead him astray. The Master warned this disciple that He had prayed for him, and the impetuous apostle replied: But he said to Him, “Lord, I am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death. Then He said, “I tell you, Peter, the rooster shall not crow this day before you will deny three times that you know Me (Luke 22.33,34). He should simply have thanked the Lord; then he wouldn't have had to go through the embarrassment of denying Jesus (Matthew 26.75)!

           No purpose of the Lord can be avoided, for He knows Hell’s plans. So, when God gives you a nudge, accept it as a blessing. God is perfect and knows everything before the devil even thinks of doing you any harm. It's good to be in God's presence and never turn back. The Father will warn you and deliver you if you ask Him to. It would be even better if we learned to truly fear Him!


           Even though they were disciples, they didn't understand why Jesus had warned them. It's wonderful to be in communion with God at all times; otherwise, you'll pay the price for your negligence and there's no point in complaining. Christ said that one of them would betray Him, but they didn't understand. When the Master gave Judas Iscariot a piece of bread (John 13.26), ordering him to carry out what he intended to do, that disciple immediately left. At that moment, Satan entered Judas, and he committed treason.


           Reading the 13th chapter of John will confirm that, without the help of the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to understand even the "simplest" messages from Heaven. Judas himself could have repented, but because he was dishonest, he followed his plan to earn 30 pieces of silver. What profit did he make? Well, even if it were all the gold in the world, it wouldn't be worth going to Hell. Stay alert!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer


           Our God and Friend! We need to be close to You; then the demons won't control our minds, making us exchange blessing for condemnation. You warn us of dangers and give us the understanding to live at the highest level!



           Without Your Spirit, we won't be able to learn anything from Your Word, so we ask for the presence of the Comforter in our lives. Those who are not baptized in the Holy Spirit ask for this blessing, and those who already serve You need to receive Your power!


           Thank You for what You make us to be and for the promised gifts that will make us your servants and friends. We will glorify You in spirit and in truth. We confess our transgressions and ask for Your forgiveness. We want to understand Your purposes!