

2024-08-06 03:00:00

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors,” says the Lord, “No one shall remain there, nor shall a son of man dwell in it.  

Jeremiah 49.18

        The people of Sodom and Gomorrah and those who lived in the surrounding towns were visited by a righteous man called Lot, who had his flaws but spoke the truth to them (2 Peter 2.6–8). The sin of those inhabitants was repugnant in God's eyes, so He overthrew that region with fire and brimstone, destroying everything: people, animals, and riches. This event is a foretaste of what will happen in the eternal judgment. Be careful!


           Today, in that valley of prosperity and, unfortunately, of prostitution and disrespect for the divine plan, there is only a heap of salt and brimstone. It is a place worse than the desert. This judgment serves as a warning to those who fall into error. It is regrettable to see the same aberrations being encouraged around the world. This will lead those who love iniquity to being condemned to Hell (Revelation 21.8). Turn to the Lord!


           The root of Edom was good, as was that of Israel. Esau came from Isaac and Rebekah. The Lord had a plan for both of them, but Esau wasn't content to follow the plan of the Most High, so, contrary to his parents, he married women from the peoples of the region (Genesis 28.6-9). From Esau descended the Edomites, who didn't know how to honor their origin - Abraham, the friend of God - and chose to serve the enemy!


           Edom acted disgustingly, indulging in terrible acts, when it could have sought the God of its fathers and been a blessing. This bad behavior served as seed for their descendants. There is no way to be happy without bowing to the divine plan, laid out for the good of all. Now, the Gospel preaches peace, the reconciliation of every man with God, regardless of what he has done (2 Corinthians 5.18-21). The Lord forgives and saves those who believe!


           Unfortunately, many people have turned against God. They even started their faith journey well and would certainly end their lives that way too. However, they are loving darkness more than light, and their end will be eternal damnation. Why do they act like this? With tears in our eyes, we call on everyone to reconcile, because there is still time. But sadly, we see many marching towards endless suffering.


           You who are reading this: please stop for a moment and think about what you've been doing. See if you have been doing the opposite of what the Bible says, because if you are on the path of error and rebellion there will be no other destination for you than the place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever (Luke 13.22-30). Jesus has already paid the price for your eternal happiness, so decide to be happy now and forever. The Lord will forgive you and help you to be free of your transgressions.


           Edom had the example of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors, but it didn't believe and met the same end. Today, that region is a dead land where no grass grows. Leave sin now, repent for your own good and believe in the One who said that those who are saved will also save their descendants (Acts 16.31). Make the decision now and be happy forever!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares





Today's Prayer

           God, Rebuilder of lives! With fear and trembling, I come before You to ask and thank You for Your offer to those who are not yet well with You. This way, Your love will reach them and give them the life they need. Father! Help this person to be free!


           Our request is based on the promise of Jesus, who said: “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. I have been preaching this all my life and I insist that everyone may receive freedom from all suffering and sin!


           Father, forgive those who pray with me now, who bow before You and ask with tear-wet faces for Your forgiveness. Rebuild them, putting an end to their errors. Visit them right now and save them!