

2024-07-09 03:00:00

In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.

Ephesians 1.11

        When chosen by Jesus, we gain the greatest blessing of all. Belonging to the Body of Christ makes us different people, especially from those who ask the devil for help and therefore live involved in issues that cause suffering. The Lord takes us where He wants us to go, as He has said: And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice (John 10.4).


           Those who still have some distrust within themselves that God really exists have not tasted salvation, and so the devil uses them in every way. You have to be prudent and wise. If you haven't changed, the Lord isn't leading you. His part in our daily lives is very important, so we must cry out and plead if our hearts don't feel that He is real and good. Jesus came to give us abundant life (John 10.10b).


           God's will has no trace of evil in it. The saved need to know the Savior and examine Him to see exactly what He is like. Otherwise, there is no way for His promises to be fulfilled in us. Determination, or taking hold of the blessing, depends on our understanding of Christ. When the work needs to be done, the devil puts doubts in the hearts of many about God’s existence!


           In Jesus, we have been made an inheritance of the Most High, and this is of great importance. Pointing to what Christ has done, Isaiah wrote about our inheritance, saying: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 54.17). The revelation is clear: no weapon formed against us will succeed!


           We are the executors of God's work in our lives and in the work to be done. After all, the Word affirms that Jesus has given us a twofold ministry: And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth.” (Revelation 5.10). Being kings for God, we can go to the limit, ordaining our rights, and just as we imagine and ordain, it will be done (Mark 11.23).


           Even before the creation of the world, the Most High had predestined those who would accept His Son as Savior and fulfill His purpose (Ephesians 1.4). Jesus did His part by making us kings and priests. In this way, in everything that concerns life, we minister in God's presence anywhere in the world and at any time. And the best thing: He is with us to enforce our prerogatives. Take all that belongs to you in Christ!


            What has been said by the Father has been examined and said, to believe and take it in the Name of Jesus, just claim it. Don't wait any longer to take possession of the blessing that you need and that the Scriptures guarantee belongs to you. In Christ, there is more at our disposal to be used always. Faith is in your heart now, so claim it!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer


           Lord of our inheritance! We have wasted time and blessings by not examining the things that You declare depend on us. Now, we take our authority in Jesus and command all evil to come out of whoever is praying with me now.


           You thought of us before creation even began. On Your drawing board, everything was written. Now, it's up to us to feel the right moment to pray and set out to accomplish Your will. We are special to You!


          We have been made Your inheritance in Jesus, so we will never stumble, nor is there the slightest chance that we will be defeated. Therefore, we declare that everything that comes from the devil go out now and never come back. Father, receive our praise that we give to You, our irreplaceable Lord!