

2024-07-18 03:00:00

Then the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments; and Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, as the Lord had said.

Exodus 7.22


            The reaction of a person who can't be touched by the Holy Spirit and therefore won't draw near to the Lord is sad. The lie propagated in Egypt that the Pharaohs were living gods managed to entrench itself in people in such a way that, even in the face of the obvious, they continued to believe it, refusing to bow before the one true God. Whoever refuses the enlightenment of the Spirit of the Most High does not recognize the Truth. We need to wake up (Ephesians 5.14)!


           Often, an individual descends from a pious family, in which, for generations, everyone has had the ease of having faith in the Lord, but he doesn't see this and goes off to serve the king of lies, insisting on being his subject. In a sense, he is the same as those who follow pagan religions, who reject God's servants in their midst because they don't want to see the reality: the need to convert to Christ and be saved. Some may even kill us for telling them about Jesus!


           Pharaoh saw and knew that the waters in his country would turn to blood. Now, why was the same phenomenon done by the court sorcerers, even if only in front of him? The man had to recognize that this did not come from the true God, because every vessel of water in the Egyptian houses received the plague. Why did the king despise those sent by God? Sad is he who becomes brutish in sin. How can they be saved?


           Another point to note is that the Almighty had already warned of what would happen. God knows all the things that have existed, exist and will exist anywhere in the world. That's why we need to know Him, so that our lives can be enlightened and we can get away from the deceptions that are distancing us from the Truth. Only He has the power to keep us in the Light forever!


           For the king of Egypt, seeing the sorcerers also perform the same prodigy meant that the brothers who had come to him to free the slaves - Moses and Aaron - were nothing more than sorcerers. That's why he made the following decision: And Pharaoh turned and went into his house. Neither was his heart moved by this (Exodus 7:23). Well, he probably acted like that because the condition of his soul was that of someone who had never been taught about faith in the Creator, but rather about vain things!


           We do tremendous good for humanity when we seek the Lord and live in His presence in a holy way. Thus, people notice our behavior and begin to respect the Most High. Then, when they hear about God's love and mercy, they will open up to Him. You have to show love for the lost, or they will never be saved. Those who evangelize must intercede for sinners in order for them to be redeemed!


         That act carried out by Moses and Aaron affected all of of Egypt, as it is written:  So all the Egyptians dug all around the river for water to drink, because they could not drink the water of the river (Exodus 7.24). We don't know how many will know of our deeds in Christ, but we must stand firm in faith and fulfill our calling! 


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares





Today's Prayer


           Lord of the lost! One can even feel sorry for Pharaoh! He was shut to the Truth and therefore couldn't see that Your power was at work in his country for the good of Israel and the Egyptian people too. This leads us to ask You for mercy for those who are ensnared in error!


           The king's attitude was that of someone who was not thinking straight, and this confusion also reflected in his spirit. Living as if he were a living god, he couldn't accept the existence of anything he didn't know. Father, help those who are like this!


           It's unfortunate to know that, in our generation, there are people who are closing themselves off to spiritual reality. They were born in darkness and will go to eternal perdition if they don't know and accept You. God, give them the ability to love You so that they can be saved!