

2024-07-12 03:00:00

And Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, as the Lord had said. 

Exodus 7.13

           The process of Israel's deliverance from captivity has a lot to teach us, so we should read the biblical records on the subject, meditate on what catches our attention and act according to the Spirit's instruction. The devil will strive to hinder the divine work in us, but he no longer has the authority he had over humanity before the victory of the Son of God (Ephesians 4.8-10). For us, the night is far spent, the day is at hand  (Romans 13.12). Receive deliverance!


           We don't have to do as Moses did with Pharaoh. We must be firm in what God says in Scripture about our real position. If we stand firm on the Word, the devil will be like a harmless lion: he won't be able to attack or hurt us, because we will stop him. This is the time of the Good News, in which we only need to use Jesus' examples to proceed as we should. What Christ has accomplished on our behalf is great (John 13.15; 14.12). We are free!


           By being used to rebuke the spirit of sickness, you perform a sublime act in God's work, standing before the Lord as His representative. Your command cannot fail, so never accept anyone who speaks inadvertently. The accuser cannot defeat you. After commanding the unclean spirit to leave, your statement is the same as the Master's when rebuking evil. Clothed with authority from On High, you act as the Lord's agent!


           The deceiver is cunning in his tricks. He will try to attack you, because he knows that the majority of Christians have not been taught to consider his determinations as the final act. So, resist in the Name of the Lord (1 Peter 5.8,9). In fact, demons can't stand the fire thrown at them when the servant of the Most High orders a blessing. Once you have ordained, praise God and consider the work accomplished. Nothing can undo your command given in Christ. Believe it!


           Every time you pray using the Name of Jesus, trust that evil has been cast out. The devil will even send another demon to tell you that it won't go away, or that there are things wrong in your life and it won't obey you for that reason. However, if you are in Christ, and His words are in you, everything you say will be done: If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (John 14.14). When you take possession of a biblical promise, it belongs to you!


           To ask, in the original Greek, the language in which the New Testament was written, is the verb “aiteó”, which means to demand, order or take possession of things that the Word guarantees are yours. Your determinations given in the Name of Jesus cannot fail. So don't ever give up on what you've said, claiming that you didn't do it with faith. This is a trick of the evil one to come back or continue oppressing your life. You can do what the Word says is your right, so act with conviction!


           It doesn't matter if the devil turns a deaf ear to your words, but rather your confession of faith. Once you have determined using the Name that is above every name, the devil will flee (James 4:7). Moses spoke, and Pharaoh didn't pay enough attention to him. God, however, was humbling that heart, because when He brought the Hebrews out of Egypt, none of them would be killed. God's plan for us is still perfect!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer

           God, Master of teaching! We are privileged, because after You have heard our prayer, in which we confess our sins and take possession of the blessings that You have declared belong to us, we can believe that the work is done. Thank You, Lord!


           Your plan was unfolding in Moses' life. He knew that Pharaoh would break before You, Father! There are many pharaohs in the world with the pomp of gods; there are many Christians doing Your work, and who will win? Those who trust in You!


           What You have said will be done by Your power, when we claim and believe in the Word. Help us to do what is right, so that Your Name may be glorified. Thank You for making us worthy to have Your work done by faith!