2025-01-19 03:00:00
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4.12
What a powerful instrument the Most High has placed in our hands to repel the attacks of the forces of darkness that dare to come against us! The Word of God is living, has a life of its own and is powerful. This means that it is capable of defeating any onslaught from the evil one. What's more, it is sharper than any two-edged sword. If it were written today, it might say that it destroys more than modern missiles.
Having understood a biblical passage, go against evil to destroy it. As you use your rights, you will see that the demons will tremble with fear when they face you, because they know that you know how to act in the Name of Jesus (Mark 11.23; John 15.7). Thank the Most High for having placed in your hand this Sword that delivers you from the traps sent by Hell. From now on, dress yourself as God's warrior!
The capacity of this weapon given to you is greater than your mind can comprehend, because it can penetrate the impenetrable, separating the soul from the spirit. This means that you will be able to separate the contaminated part of a cell, ridding it of cancer or other ailments. Now, that's tremendous! Christians can perform feats of faith, using the power given by Jesus over the devil's wiles.
In fact, in every situation in which we intercede, we must be led by the Holy Spirit, so that we can give the order for wonders to occur. Jesus did not say that we are the ones: I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing (John 15.5). Seek to be in the Lord continually by faith, and He will be in you. If there is this communion, the same works will be done!
While doctors cannot penetrate sick cells to heal and strengthen them, the power of God’ Word can transform and restore them. That's why every Christian needs to be well with the Lord, with no hidden sins, not even a slight desire to “heat up” the marriage. The word separates the joints from the marrow, helping you rid yourself of destructive thoughts and temptations that corrupt your soul.”
We have been given power to serve the Lord in our day, but we must believe and have a pure heart. The devil will undoubtedly offer you a lot in order to take you away from your position in Christ. In addition to the Bible, read books about faith, and avoid the company of those who live carnally or irresponsibly and never watch programs that dirty your mind. Dedicate yourself to the Almighty, and He will make you fruitful in what He has planned for your life!
Once you have matured in faith, you will be used to do greater works. The Word, which saved you, will also make you discern thoughts and intents of the heart. It's time to give God His rightful place in your life; in doing so, you will be blessed and you will bless many people!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
God of the living Word! We have learned that your Word takes Christ's absent place in our midst. As the days go by, reading the Scriptures and meditating on them, we will become Your instruments in Your great harvest!
We need to take pleasure in spending hours in Your presence, living normally with our hearts set on You and walking safely. By following Your teachings, we will succeed in carrying out Your will!
May the buds of the fruit of Your Spirit be produced in us! In this way, we will honor and praise You properly. We must not be puffed up, but prevent pride, arrogance and other acts of the flesh from taking control that is Yours alone!