2024-10-31 03:00:00
And Israel said to Joseph, “Are not your brothers feeding the flock in Shechem? Come, I will send you to them”
Genesis 37.13
Jacob became successful in everything after fighting as a prince with God and prevailing, and his name changed to Israel (Genesis 32.24-32). Likewise, the person who meets Jesus must be victorious in the promises of the Lord, because they become a doer of divine justice (Romans 6.13,18,19). Israel was a wise father, who knew how to prepare his children for the mission given to his family. Every Christian would do well to raise wise children in God!
One day, Israel went to Joseph, his son with Rachel, his beloved, to give him a task. He spoke softly to the young man and was answered. We know that children's trust in their father's instructions is acquired by what the father is and does. The children of Israel had witnessed their father's various crises and knew that if he hadn't been a servant in the true sense of the word, he would have collapsed. Persecution and all the other problems that arise along the way have a solution. Joseph listened!
Israel's conversation with Joseph should be observed and studied. After all, everything written in the Bible is for our teaching, as the Holy Spirit declares: "For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope" (Romans 15.4). Israel spoke to his son as a friend speaks to another, politely, and not forcing him to do anything. A good example!
Raising a wise son is an art that God has mastered very well, for His Only Begotten was obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross, as the Word states (Philippians 2:8). We must do the same for the glory of the Most High. The missions He gives us have already been calculated in detail. That's why we won't lack the ability and power to carry them out. The Lord has foreknowledge - He knows everything. So, we must obey Him. God watches over us and inspires us!
Using wisdom, Israel asked Joseph if the young man's brothers grazed near Shechem, the land where their sister had been raped. After this sad episode, the children of Israel took revenge for the evil done to their sister by killing all the men in that place (read Genesis 34). Israel started the conversation by asking if Joseph didn't mind that his brothers had gone to that land to graze the sheep. They were fearless as a lion, but there were bad things about them!
The patriarch said to Joseph: "Come," which meant: "All right, will you join them?". If he answered yes, he would be sent. When God shows you the millions of lost people who are heading for eternal fire, it's not for you to condemn them, but to do something for them. They are all precious, but because they are in the hands of the king of darkness, they live as if God doesn't exist, and that's why they sin.
Joseph understood what his father was saying to him and declared: Here I am. In the case of the prophet Isaiah, he was astonished to see the glory of God and said: So I said: “Woe is me, for I am I undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the king, the LORD of hosts" (Isaiah 6:5). Then he answered the same as Joseph: Here I am (Isaiah 6.8) The work needs repentant people!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
God, our Father! What an important moment in Joseph's life, to be called by You. The son of Israel was ready to face trials and knew that he would not be abandoned by You, but kept as a servant. This would change the course of the world and his family. Great man!
For years, Israel would not see the first-born son of his beloved Rachel. He was sending him to the place where God wanted to test him and love him. Joseph went with his head held high, faced bad times at the hands of his brothers and ended up being sold into slavery in Egypt. Such firmness!
We don't know Your plans for us, but we know that they include saving the lost, who will be taken to Heaven through our faith. Jesus suffered to be useful in Your hands. Father, make us instruments for the sake of others. We need to be faithful servants!