

2024-07-21 03:00:00

Now the firstborn said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man on the earth to come in to us as is the custom of all the earth”

Genesis 19.31


           Lot's decision to go to Sodom was a bad one. Well, he wasn't the kind of person who would be in charge of transmitting the Truth to those people. As he was more interested in success, seeing that land well-watered, he chose to go there, after his uncle had shown him the options (Genesis 13.7-11). Of course, he didn't even pray to God for guidance. Since he was hasty, he showed his preference. As he entered that land he was rich and became even richer, but came out with nothing!


           The culture of Sodom and the other cities around it, which were destroyed by fire and brimstone from heaven, got so deep into the hearts of the two sisters - Lot's daughters - that they came up with a horrible plan of incest. In Sodom, they had fiancés who were more unbelieving than the devil. They laughed at Lot when he invited them to join his family and escape destruction. Actaully, they mocked their father-in-law (Genesis 19.14).


           It didn't matter to Lot how the inhabitants of the city lived, because his goal was to become rich. This showed that he wasn't like Abraham, his uncle and father-in-law, who made friends wherever he went. Lot tried to evangelize the sodomites, but they didn't believe him (Genesis 19:9) and even felt offended by the warnings coming from the lips of someone who didn't even have the anointing to give God's message. If we are not guided by the Most High in our choices, we will have problems.


           When Lot left the city with his family, the Word was fulfilled and everything was destroyed. Lot's wife disobeyed God's warning and, when she looked back, she was turned into a statue of salt (v. 26). Anyone who abandons the path shown by God and becomes someone who looks back at what they have left in the world will also meet an end similar to that of Lot's wife or his daughters, of whom we will speak next. Was it of any use for Lot to getting richer? He left that place with nothing.


           They were brought up in the sodomite culture and probably saw and heard about what went on in the city and its surroundings. There were no rules there, everyone did what they wanted. Now, where the knowledge of God is not taught, the devil leads people to act sinfully. No one cared about practices that were contrary to nature, because there was no fear of God (Romans 1.26-32).


            Lot's daughters left Sodom, but Sodom and its sins did not leave them. The firstborn invited the youngest to join her and commit incest with their father. The argument was that he was already old (some estimate that Lot was around 65) and there was no man on earth who could make them procreate. So, they decided to give him wine. They didn't even think about going to Abraham, whom they knew well, and ask for his help. Their uncle would welcome them, as well as their father.


            If Lot went back to the patriarch of the Hebrews, repenting for his bad choice, he would soon recover his losses with Abraham’s help. However, he decided to move on because he didn't have the courage to face Abraham and confess his mistake. His shame was greater than his love for God. Actions taken without God's help cost us dearly. Take care not to fall!



           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares





Today's Prayer

           Lord of perfect decisions! We are happy to live in Your presence, being loved by You. We want to live in holiness, to give future generations the hope and faith that will make them feel safe in Your hands!


           Lead us to teach not to sin anymore the beginners in the faith and those who have been with us for some time but are still immature in the faith. Our sanctification will be done by You, in Your Word and in Your Spirit. Hold the hands of those who trust in Your holy Word!


           Lot's daughters fell into the snares of the enemy because they lived among people who practiced what Your Scriptures condemn. We don't want that for ourselves. We need to understand and live out Your mercies. We are grateful, because You have brought us out of darkness!