2025-03-11 03:00:00
But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly not!
Galatians 2.17
The devil always finds evil people to try to confuse good-natured people, citing cases of Christians involved in wrong practices. They point out these facts as if the Gospel were to blame. However, each case must be studied separately. It is true that there are Christians doing wrong, but compared to true servants, they can be considered a small number. Unfortunately, they were not saved, but they call themselves as such!
The evil one tempted Jesus in everything, but the Master never let Himself be carried away by the words of that horrible being: For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4.15). Christ set the example for His faithful to do the same. Despite being tempted in everything, He never let the enemy lead Him into sin. Resist your adversary as the Lord did and free yourself from any guilt (James 4.7; 1 Corinthians 10.13). You can!
Judas Iscariot received the mission of taking care of the treasury during Jesus’ ministry. Although he knew that the amount collected came from simple people, like the woman who only gave two coins, Judas found a way to rob the Master and was labeled a thief: This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it. (John 12.6). What was his end? He will be in the lake of fire forever.
Those who fall into sin must act as the Word teaches (James 5:16). They have to look for the church pastor to tell him what they did, and, if there is genuine repentance, God will forgive them. Woe to those who close their eyes so as not to see their evil deeds, thinking that this will free them from eternal shame. The sinful brothers will be seen by everyone in the Judgment and then there will be no forgiveness, but only crying and remorse. Why give way to Hell? Repent today!
Jesus was not to blame for Iscariot's actions. Probably, many times, the Master must have spoken to this disciple's heart, but he wanted to continue in error. Why do many remain in sin instead of repenting and seeking God's forgiveness? Who can say they've never done something wrong? However, if you have confessed your transgression and have been forgiven, you can serve God with a sincere heart. Some abuse divine patience, hiding their crimes, but in the Judgment, everything will come to light (Luke 12.2,3).
Seek to be justified in Christ, and you will be the happiest person in the world, because your guilt will be cleared by Him, who has already paid a high price for your justification (Isaiah 53.4-6). The right time is now. If you die without salvation in Jesus, your home will not be in Heaven. Be careful! Don't postpone your decision to stand by the One who sacrificed Himself for you. Then it may be too late!
Christ is God's Minister of justice, so He can forgive you and justify you. He is not a minister of sin, nor will He do anything wrong to help anyone. If a person wants to get rid of their mistakes and confess them, believing in the promise, they will be saved, forgiven and cleared (1 John 1.7,8). No matter how serious the sin, make up your mind right now!
In Christ, with love,
R.R. Soares
Today's Prayer
Just God! It is good to talk to You about our past misdeeds. We do not want to hide anything, but rather to get right and free ourselves from the sins we commit through thoughts, words and actions. Forgive us!
Father, if we have not served You as You deserve, but have strayed into error, we need to be washed in the blood of Jesus, sanctified by Your Spirit and cleared of our guilt. Help us to rise up now and be faithful to You!
Only Your work of redemption can free us from eternal suffering. Even if all our misdeeds were forgotten, You would not let anyone enter Your Kingdom with dirty hands. Have mercy on us and save us now!