Photo: Joseph Greve


2024-10-24 03:00:00

Greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi’

Matthew 23.7

          Jesus continued his teaching, talking about those who get carried away by vague hopes, which are pure vanity. Think with me: does it matter if someone greets you in the squares with great reverence? Will this kind of treatment help you live happier than others, or make you enjoy better health? Of course not, but there are some who make a point of being treated like that. Solomon spoke of the vanity of vanities (Ecclesiastes 1.2).

           The same happens when they throw a party in our honor, and some experts in homiletics lavish praise on us, that often embarrasses us by almost equating us with God. Solomon said that we should avoid veneration, because pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). The Word also says: Before destruction the heart of a man is haughty; and before honor is humility (Proverbs 18:12). Some even pay to be revered!

           If you show pride because you have done a work being used by the Lord, you won't receive your retribution later, because you have already distorted the purpose. The Most High doesn't assign you a task because of your ability or importance, but as a favor for you to be blessed for eternity. So run away from everything that could harm you. The true Author of any feat is not man, but the holy God of love!

           For example, instead of rewarding with honors someone who prayed or ministered the Word so that they would be blessed, a family should have a thanksgiving service and only mention the Lord, because He really did the work. God speaks about this: I am the LORD, this is My name and My glory I will not give to another, nor my praise to carved images (Isaiah 42.8). It's no good annoying the Most High when He has already expressed Himself on the subject!

           God is the Creator of all things and sustains everything. He has dictated the rules that people must obey so that everything goes well for them. But many people go beyond the limits with their meaningless questions. Now, if the Lord has already given His instruction on something, there's no need to question Him again, because He doesn't change (Malachi 3.6). We don't have to contradict Him, but rather follow the guidance He has given us in His Word.

           The Lord has strictly forbidden us to call anyone Master. Only He can be given that title. Since we pass on knowledge from On High, we would be misappropriating it if we gave this title to someone else. God is the only One capable of teaching us about any subject, so all praise must be given to Him, the Lord, who has a Name above every name here and hereafter (Philippians 2.9-11).


           Given what Jesus taught us in the verse under study, if we follow what He says, we will be received and cared for by Him. Be a wise son and you will make Him happy with your life. The honor to be given must be only to the One who created everything, so that we might live well here and in eternity. The Lord is the Rabbi, so give Him your adoration for all that He has planned and set in motion. Why not recognize Him as the Creator, Lord and Master? To Him be the glory!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

Lord, our Creator! You planned man as he is. We're just not quite what You wanted because of the damage caused by Adam's sin. But in Heaven, we will know You as we are known by You. To You be the glory and honor!

Forgive us when we pay too much homage to those who have done us some good. Without Your intervention, the help given to us would be in vain. May that person, who devoted time and strength to helping us, be fully rewarded by You. We praise Your blessed Name!

When Christ comes for the Church, we will go up with Him to the eternal Home, from where we will never leave. Our goal is to understand the commandments in order to fulfill them. Help us to succeed in the art of loving You!