Photo: Annie Spratt


2025-01-11 03:00:00

I am small and despised, yet I do not forget Your precepts.

Psalm 119.141


           It doesn't matter our physical stature or the position we hold. It's not what people see that distinguishes us, but what we have in our hearts. There are those who make themselves leaders and fail to fulfill the mission claimed for them. What God has given you to do and how you do it should be your main concerns. After all, we will be held accountable for the talents we have received from the Lord (Matthew 25:14-30). Take care of yourself!


           By giving us a task, God is already preparing us. Now, the main part of this preparation is left for the beginning of the work, in the middle and at the end of everything, which is why we need to consecrate ourselves to Him in prayer and in the study of the Word. Those who are called by God don't always pass the test, but those who are chosen do (Matthew 22:14). But they must be alert, because they will receive new instructions while they are doing the work.


           It doesn't matter if the psalmist was short in stature, or considered to be of little value or esteemed value. The One who calls us knows us from our conception, and He has worked hard to give us birth with the ability to bring the Gospel of salvation to this generation, which will come to the Father (Psalm 139.1-16). So don't consider the mere fact that you are short to be an impediment to doing the work of the Most High, because the Lord will honor you in every trial. You are God's best for today!


           Those who despise the Lord's call to work reject God Himself. These fools will regret having declared that the Creator was wrong in what He did. Now, the Lord is upright in His ways, and those commissioned by Him must also be blameless. Understand: by choosing someone for a mission, the Father has already given them perfection: You shall be blameless, before the LORD your God (Deuteronomy 18.13).


           Being short is not an obstacle to being saved. A good example of this was Zacchaeus, the tax collector. When Jesus was passing through Jericho, the Spirit of God gave Zacchaeus a desire: to see the Master. So that man, enlightened by the Lord, climbed a wild fig tree, because Christ would be passing by and he would be able to see Him. The Savior knew what God was preparing Him for. So he said to Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay stay at your house, and he brought salvation to that family (Luke 19.5b)!


           The psalmist also declared that he was despised. Now, those who suffer the indifference of society find in the Son of God support to overcome and become someone of good character and capable of helping those who face adversity. We have to recognize that the Most High made the necessary change in us when we were being formed in our mother's womb. Because of this, we can fulfill His will!


             Tell yourself that it doesn't matter if someone calls you short or tall. What matters is that you know you were born to carry out God's plan. If you obey the commandments, you will be rewarded for life. Never neglect God's commands or put them off, but carry them out as quickly as possible.


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Today's Prayer

God, our beloved Father! We would like to know the best in life and follow Your commandment always. Regarding the fact that someone doesn't consider us fit to do something because of our physical appearance, for example, we are happy that we are Your image and likeness!


When You help us to carry out Your commands, we will have a feeling of gratitude and value from You, so before You, we thank You for Your teachings. As Your servants, we enjoy what You provide for us!

Zacchaeus found You and realized himself in Jesus, hosting the Master in his home. The people witnessed the publican repent and make the decision to leave the offerings of the world, to fight in Your strength and become blessed!