2025-01-18 03:00:00
For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses?
Hebrews 3.16
Many saved people seem to lack sense, because they provoke the Lord with attitudes similar to those of unbelievers. This happened when the Israelites saw the glory of God in the plagues that Moses unleashed on Egypt and in the opening of the Red Sea (see Exodus 7-15 for details). There is no excuse for those who deny the existence of God, claiming that there is no Creator of all things and Sustainer of their perfect functioning.
We must always examine ourselves with the Lord's help. Many people who have fallen into sin could be used by the Most High in a wonderful way. But sadly, they don't even want to return to God. Why deceive yourself into believing that the Almighty will deliver them from eternal torment at the last moment? Get right with Him while there is still time. (Matthew 5.25).
Any individual has the potential to be notorious without compromising with the devil; after all, God is infinitely better than the evil one at helping anyone. However, after the Judgment, whoever is sent to the lake of fire and brimstone will never come out (Revelation 20:10). Those who are courting sin in their hearts must turn and consecrate themselves to the Lord now!
In all evangelical churches, there are servants of the Lord with whom it is gratifying to talk, because they have surprising joy in their hearts. Although some lack material goods, and that's fine, they live as if they needed nothing. These people are true witnesses of Christ, because they always report what God does for them and never complain about life. What do you lack if Christ is your Lord? (Psalm 23.1).
We have a great example in the apostle Paul. He was a learned and famous man among the world's overcomers, but he preferred to lose everything in order to gain greater things at Christ's return: Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3.8).
The basic verse of this message is about listening to God's voice. Some have heard it, but have given in to the devil. Nothing is more special than having the pleasure of hearing the Creator teaching us how to act. Those who listened to it and provoked God will weep for that mistake: For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16.26).
There is still time for you to take the most important action of your life. Remember: where you are, there will be no turning back after death. This is your finest hour! Why continue in sin when Jesus is the Way to eternal life (John 14:6). Return to God, and He will forgive you, use you wonderfully and take you to the Heavens of light. Say: “I'll be back” (Luke 15:11-24)!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
Beloved God! We want to return to communion now, because the devil wants to manipulate us. But Your voice leads us close to You, where we find the strength and peace to approach Your throne and free ourselves from sin and trouble. Father, help us!
We don't want to be like some who have provoked You. We must be servants who bring You joy. Our mistake is not living as we should. But if we are firm in our faith, no one will take us out of Your hands, even if Hell sends a trap.
Just as the majority stayed with You, many today listen to You, so they will never be shipwrecked in faith. You are among those who have been called to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Lord!