Photo: Jasmin Ne


2024-10-18 03:00:00

Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples.

Matthew 23.1

              As of this message, we begin a study on Jesus' lessons, recorded in the 23rd chapter of Matthew, to improve how we proceed in our faith in Christ. Never do something, never give an answer or teach someone something that is not in accordance with the Bible. Serve God as He instructs, in order to be approved as a good and faithful servant (Matthew 25.21,23). The Savior declared that He did nothing without listening to the Most High (John 15.15). Do the same!

          Jesus created everything following the Father's instructions. He examined the Son's work and saw that it was good (Genesis 1.31). The Master's teachings contain no errors and fulfill the promise of Psalm 32.8: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Why leave perfect guidance aside and affirm what God does not say. Understand: in the Holy Scripture, the Lord dealt with various issues.

         Matthew was zealous in saying that Jesus spoke to the crowd and to His disciples. So don't let the devil deceive you by suggesting that you don't need to study the lessons left by the Master, unless you want to stop progressing and sin. We are God's children and we need all guidance from Him, because man's is contaminated with vices and incapacities.  


           Christ began His “lesson” by drawing the attention of the crowd and the disciples to the revelations of the heavenly Father, so that they might improve their service to God and be approved in the end. Never be a negligent Christian, refusing to learn from the One who created all things out of nothing (John 1.1,2). We need to be instructed by the One who is Omniscient - who knows all things. When the scribes and Pharisees heard Jesus, they received harsh reprimands.


           Those who learn from the Son of God become wise, even if they have no schooling, as was the case with Peter and John. They spoke boldly to the priests about the Lord's will, a fact that surprised those religious people: When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled; and they realized that they had been with Jesus (Acts 4.13). Surprising the authorities and the people is our mission!


           From now on, pay attention to reading the Bible, because it will make you a well-informed servant, prepared for the work. Our heavenly Father doesn't care what we look like, whether our clothes are expensive or not. Furthermore, we don't need beautiful words in order to please God, but rather to be truthful in what we say without trying to teach the Lord. After all, He is sovereign and complete in His works. Act prudently!

           The apostle John spoke about what was written in the Bible: And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen! (John 21.25). The Savior did not leave man without guidance to make good decisions. So, by reading the Word or listening to the message preached in church, you will get the right guidance. Believe!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Today's Prayer

Lord, our Master! Help us to pay attention to Your Word. Your counsel will come from what is written, through the work of the Holy Spirit. We need to speak the Truth in order to overcome temptation, while being purified and becoming Your temple!


We know that there are different people in the crowds, but the anointing received from You gives us the ability to succeed in carrying out Your work. May we have and be what you want of us. Instruct us to bring the Good News to the world!

As disciples, we must be used to make disciples. But without Your revelation, we won't do the work properly. Father, remove vanity from our hearts and what it creates for its own sake, for it is desperately corrupt. Help us, God!