

2024-07-26 03:00:00

And he said, “This will be the behavior of the king who will reign over you: He will take your sons and appoint them for his own chariots and to be his horsemen, and some will run before his chariots”

1 Samuel 8.11

         Samuel was frustrated when the people asked for a king over Israel, as other countries had. The prophet's feelings didn't emerge because he felt that he was fulfilling the need for a king, but because the decision did not come from heaven; therefore, it was extremely dangerous. What comes outside of God's purpose causes harm. Even so, Samuel consulted the Lord, who allowed them to have a ruler, but warned them not to give in to the desires of the flesh, but to do God's will (1 Samuel 8.1-9).


           I have seen many people act out of their own interests, and the result is never good. No child of God can avow for himself and from himself the desire to be a leader, open a church or develop a ministry. That which is born of man is flesh, and flesh is good for nothing:  It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life (John 6.63). If the Holy Spirit does not speak to your heart, you will have nothing useful to give to others.


           In the verse we are studying, we see that Samuel showed the people one of the problems of having a king. Now, the Israelites were acting like all the people who put their trust in them. God Himself was saddened by their decision, because He Himself would lead them. This also happens to those who don't let God rule over them, but try to conduct their life of faith as they wish. Know that the heavenly Father wants His children to walk in His presence and thus be protected and kept from evil attacks.


           Those who make God Lord of their lives will walk in the light of His Word, so they will never stumble over the obstacles placed before them by the devil (Psalm 27.1). The Father expects this attitude from us, but unfortunately many get involved in wrong practices and live far from the Most High, full of problems. They are Christians in name only. In reality, they are as far from Him as the east is from the west.


           God's work would be all over the world, being carried out by blessed churches, if all those who claim to be Christ-like did what He commanded. In fact, those who are victorious in the battle of faith have been victorious for a long time, because they have mastered their hearts and souls, and they struggle day and night so that the progress of the knowledge of the Son of God is evident (Luke 9.23). Never be ashamed of being called by Jesus!


           No prophecy of God's Word will fail to be fulfilled, and the Church is part of that. Those who turn away from Christ will not participate in this mission: Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested (Revelation 15.4). The saved need to be living examples; to do this, they must not corrupt themselves!


        In Israel’s history, especially with the split that occurred in the days of Rehoboam, David's grandson, the Israelites became practically invalid, because the kings of the two kingdoms did not correspond to the Lord as they should have. It's sad to know that today many don't either! What about you?


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer

           God of true prophecies! Every promise made to Your people will come true. Even if the world lasts longer than man expects, You will confirm what You have said without missing a word!


           The Israelites thought differently, just as every man thinks and makes suggestions about Your work, disrupting the lives of some who believe in him. Poor people who don't know You and struggle to get You to bless what they say. Well, if it's not biblical, it's worthless!


      Help us to know You better, to learn to listen to You and to make room in our hearts for Your Spirit. Then we will have You in our lives. We want to love You and give You the glory, honor and praise for everything You do for us. Thank You, Father!