Photo: kychan


2024-10-21 03:00:00

For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. 

Matthew 23.4

           People who don't serve the Lord in a biblical way, but try to do so by following religious precepts, cause great harm to humanity. Because they are not complete in the revelation of the Word, their hearts become weak and they create wicked doctrines. Some people are too liberal, denying the Truth to the simple people, and since they don't enjoy the peace of Christ, they say that penances and sacrifices bring them closer to God. This is a deception by the master of lies (John 8:44).

          The Lord says that they bind heavy burdens for the unwary to carry. What is not in the Word is false and very dangerous. The Savior said that His burden is light, but why do many invent heavy burdens and put them on others? (Matthew 11.28-30). Those who start out in the faith in the wrong way are unable to minister in the right way. Then, because they can't live the Truth, they invent dogmas to keep the people in their clutches. This is not biblical!

         It doesn't matter what religion it is; it didn't come from God. Some still retain something of the Scriptures, but also man's instructions. Leaders would do everyone a great deal of good if they set aside what they have learned outside the Word and examined It without prejudice. No doctrine should be created, because the true one is in the Bible, in the New Testament, which is the explanation of the Old.


           We have to teach people to fear - to respect - the testimony they receive when they read the Holy Book or listen to the preaching of the Word. With such revelation, they will live well. We can never base doctrine on what has come from the lips of someone who claims to be a servant of God. The heavenly Father has said clearly and unequivocally that Jesus is His Son and we must listen to Him (Mark 1.11; 2 Peter 1.17). Far from Christ, there is only illusion!

           There are those who preach that everything is permitted between four walls, ignoring the practices condemned by Scripture. No! This is a doctrine of the devil. Meditate on 1 Corinthians 6.13 and Hebrews 13.4 and see that the advocate of such liberalism is already separated from the saints. You can't change the Word of the Lord. Divorce? Only in proven cases of infidelity, and that's if love isn't greater. Faith solves incompatibility of spirits. Pray!

           Anyone who lets a single filthy thought take over their heart needs to repent, because they are separated from the Savior. Any guidance outside the Bible, especially the Gospel, should never be examined. Paul declared: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers (2 Timothy 4.3). This is more serious than we think or believe!

           Those who live according to the Word, which created all things visible and invisible, and us as well, enjoy the peace of Christ and are freed from evil. They are the essence of the true child of the Light. We cannot exchange our eternal happiness for anything of this world, nor for anything that comes from Hell. We are free to serve God!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Today's Prayer

Liberating God! It's sad to see people who started out right in Your Word, but have drifted away from the freedom won by Jesus. Some have been carried away by the deceitfulness of riches, the cares of life and ambitions for other things. Deliver us from deceit!


We will never accept heavy burdens, because we have the light burden of Christ. We reject the snares sent by hell and are ready to do Your will day and night, night and day. Your testimonies are all we need. We thank You for showing us the Truth!

Why carry heavy burdens when the Pharisees won't even lift them with their fingers? Father, we are Yours and we ask You to use us in Your work. Wash us in the blood of Jesus, sanctify us in Your Word and justify us in Your Spirit and in the Name of your Son!