

2024-10-11 03:00:00

"Behold, I will bring a nation against you from afar, O house of Israel,” says the Lord. “It is a mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language you do not know, nor can you understand what they say".

Jeremiah 5.15

          Correction must first come from the Father, and then, if the child continues to fail, from the authorities. Being love, God makes us understand, through His Word, where we have gone wrong and how to act when facing the consequences of our bad behavior (Hebrews 12.4-11). However, if we don't heed God's warnings, we will face problems. It's always best to heed them; after all, being taught by God means that He loves us!


            The Most-High takes responsibility for the rebukes addressed to us when we reject the Scriptures. However, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1.9). When we bow to the Lord's reasons and open ourselves to Him, we are forgiven and cleansed of the injustices practiced against God and our neighbor.


            God talks about a nation from afar - a symbol of evil power - that would attack the unrepentant. It is compared to an army that comes to put an end to peace. This is nothing more than Hell’s work, which is able to pummel you. Until you confess your sins to Jesus, this force will continue its evil work. The evil that the demons did when they tempted you and you obeyed them will be less than what they will do now if you don't take refuge in the Savior!


            Imagine: the house of Israel was brought out of captivity in Egypt by a gigantic operation of God, which lasted 40 years. The Israelites faced great trials, such as crossing the Red Sea without anyone dying. Then they wandered in the desert, where there is no water or food, and their lives were preserved. However, when they fell into sin, they suffered, but even so, the Most High delivered them from their misfortunes and provided for their needs (Deuteronomy 2.7).


           Now they would be oppressed by Babylon, a strong nation from far away. This arrival represented the coming of all kinds of evil spirits, which today come out to destroy anyone who doesn't repent of their evil deeds. Some people accumulate problems because they despise communion with God and do not convert. Jesus said: But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life (John 5.40).


           We don't understand the language of the demons that attack us, because they don't speak of love, but of hatred. Even if we have done nothing against the evil spirits, they are allowed to oppress us if we live contrary to the Scriptures (John 3.36). Sincere repentance is the only way to get rid of them, preventing us from becoming an easy target for these tormentors (Acts 2.38). Watch and pray!


          Human beings don’t understand the language of hellish spirits. So, a person can only get rid of evil by using faith in the Name of Jesus, who died to take us away from Satan's tyranny (1 John 3.8). This is more serious and dangerous than you can imagine. Repent now and be free from the onslaughts of Hell!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares




Today's Prayer

Lord of eternal compassion! We don't want to play with the devil, for he is evil in every way. We cry out for Your eternal mercies, because, as Lord over all things, You can deliver us from the operations of the kingdom of wickedness!


It doesn't matter if the nation that is ready to attack us is strong and powerful in the works of wickedness. Being Your servants and having repented of our sins, we can free ourselves from the fiery arrows they launch at us!


We will never ignore the language of the truth, of the Gospel and of Your marvelous deeds, which purify us from injustice and prevent us from being hit by any evil dart. Therefore, we praise Your Name, which guarantees us freedom!