

2024-07-14 03:00:00

Go to Pharaoh in the morning, when he goes out to the water, and you shall stand by the river’s bank to meet him; and the rod which was turned to a serpent you shall take in your hand.

Exodus 7.15

        To everything there is a season (Ecclesiastes 3.1), which is why God didn't send Moses to take Israel out of Egypt by force. The Lord knew the evil in Pharaoh's heart, and Pharaoh also realized the authority of the men sent by God to free the Hebrews from slavery. For the king, the important thing was to keep the Israelite workforce under his rule, but the Most High had determined that His people would leave there for the Promised Land!


Who would win the battle? Undoubtedly, the servants of the Lord. However, they would have to walk the second mile (Matthew 5.41), so that God could legally do His work in that potentate and so that the devil wouldn't complain that the deliverance had been done illegally, as he does. Moses had to go in the morning when the king went out to the water to bathe. He had to be patient!


The Heavenly Father loves to instruct His children, teaching them to walk in His ways and to obtain the desired success. The Hebrews would have to act differently from other people because they served the Lord. When we are led by the Holy Spirit, we will never stray from the Way, Jesus. In order to follow God's plan, Moses had to arrange a meeting with the Egyptian king on the river shore and take the rod that became a snake because it had the anointing of Heaven.


It's good to see how God treats us: His anointing remains in us for us to use when He commands us. We don't know if Pharaoh noticed that the rod was the same, but it didn't matter to him; it mattered to Moses. That object symbolized the Word of the Lord, which comes to us with a mission and cannot return to Him empty. It only returns after fulfilling the mission given to it (Isaiah 55.11). Never despise the anointing you have received from God.


If the man of God didn't carry the staff with the anointing, he would be vulnerable to the devil's attacks. How many brothers don't know the danger of going out to do something without the Lord's permission? Often, when you are far from Him, without the divine anointing, the evil one manages to undermine your purpose, putting the wrong desires in your life, tiredness, and the excuse of never being recognized or not understanding when your moment will come. Without faith, we make disastrous decisions!


Without Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15.5), and we are susceptible to temptation. Then we go to God in prayer to blame Him for not having kept us. The Most High "trains" each one of us and makes us come to Him. Why not love the Lord by keeping His commandments if He commands us to do what will make us wise? The faithful Christian pays attention to His Word and succeeds, but the one who disobeys the instructions of the Most High achieves nothing (Psalm 107.43).


After he had stood before Pharaoh with the rod and the king had looked at him, Moses repeated the request he had made earlier: to lead the people into the desert. This is how we should proceed with everyone, whether they are brothers and sisters in faith or not. By following biblical guidelines, no barrier will prevent us from prospering. When we are in Jesus, and His words are in us, we are successful (John 15.7). Believe it!


In Christ, with love,

R. R. Soares





Today's Prayer

Lord of holy persistence! You give us examples of persistence and love. Instead of sending fire down on Pharaoh, You gave him the opportunity to listen to You. However, he chose not to listen to You and thus suffered the consequences of his own mistake!


Poor people who don't value their own homes, their neighbors' homes nor show mercy to those in need. Such a person would also like to be helped, but doesn't understand that it is by giving that one receives. You gave Your Only Begotten and received millions of children!


Moses was warned about the stubbornness of Pharaoh's heart, but since You sent him to the monarch, You would attend to the patriarch in everything. The command for Moses to carry the rod, which symbolizes Your Word and anointing, would serve to convince Pharaoh to bow before You!