2024-12-31 03:00:00
You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand.
Psalm 89.13
Many of God's children have never made a confession born in the Father's heart to give them strength, so they can't overcome the simple temptations of the enemy. Those who don't meditate on biblical declarations are poor in power, weak in decisions and lacking in vigor. That's why eating the Bread of Life, Jesus (John 6:48), is good for the holy people and leads them to victory. Don't be fooled; if you are indifferent to the Word, the Lord won't be able to help you. Believe and ask for help!
Ethan's statement in the verse was not made out of politeness or without intention, but by revelation from Heaven, so that God's people would have the best and overcome the crises that would come (Isaiah 1.19). God is the Lord of the Church, so it needs to be strong. The Most High assures us: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me” (Psalm 50.15). Many do not glorify the Almighty or call upon Him in the day of trouble, so they are not delivered!
The Lord speaks clearly to us, so that we take him seriously: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble”, the day of pain, of chaos, when everything seems to go wrong. He undertakes to deliver whoever calls upon Him. In the face of this, never be silent, nor be ashamed of your family, friends or the people next to you, because God delights in delivering them. Declare your needs in faith, praying to the Father with all your heart!
David knew this recipe and used it when he was in trouble: I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; so shall I will be saved from my enemies (Psalm 18.3). It didn't matter to him where the battle would be or against whom, or whether his enemies had the power to destroy him. His opponents didn't have that kind of faith and, even if they imitated him, they wouldn't be helped by the Lord. God is his Strength, which never loses a battle.
David showed us his boldness, speaking of the infernal forces that surrounded him: The pangs of death surrounded me, and the floods of ungodliness made me afraid. The sorrows of Sheol surrounded me, the snares of death confronted me (Psalm 18:4,5). And what did God do? Exactly what He has always taught. So we need to learn to do God's work; otherwise, tomorrow, evil could settle in our house. But if we obey the Lord, we will defeat our adversaries!
We can never teach others, forgetting to act according to the teachings of the Most High. With the Lord, we will always overcome the kingdom of darkness. The psalmist said: In my distress I called upon the LORD and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple , and my cry came before Him, even to His ears (Psalm 18.6). He called on the Lord and cried out to his God with a strong and firm voice, and was heard by the Almighty. Act like that!
David declared that God has a strong arm, unbreakable, but capable of breaking the arm of the evil one. The Almighty is powerful to open the sea, if necessary, and give you victory. His arm will always win and will be at your disposal. The hand of the Most High, His power, is not like that of the enemy, which is weak and powerless. God's hand holds the whole world and is never shaken. The right hand of the Lord is the set of forces to be employed and lifted up!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
Lord of the invincible arm and hand! When we need to overcome sickness and any sin, we will know how to act: we will call upon You, for You are worthy, and we will exalt Your Name, cry out to You and be delivered from evil!
We will no longer be like religious people, reciting the declarations of men. We will trust that Your Word is the Truth, we will fight whatever comes against us and we will succeed, using Your precious Name, led by Your wonderful Spirit!
We thank You for having a powerful arm, placed at our disposal. Your hand is powerful enough to hold and protect us. In Your Name, we now set out towards the onslaughts of the enemy and declare victory over them. To You we say: “Thank you!”.