2025-01-06 03:00:00
“All this,” said David, “the Lord made me understand in writing, by His hand upon me, all the works of these plans”
1 Chronicles 28.19
David was a man of prayer, who knew how to stay at the Lord's feet until he heard from Him the direction to take in and out of war. Servants of the Most High must have the ability to act on all fronts. Undoubtedly, those who are dependent on God will be guided to proceed as Heaven has planned. This is beneficial for those who serve the Lord faithfully and powerfully. We will leave this world, but the work must go on!
The king was given the blueprint for the construction of God's house. What was designed had to be followed. This also happened with Moses, to whom the Most High gave the mission of setting up the tabernacle in the desert, telling him: Take heed that you make it according to its pattern, which was shown you on the mountain (Exodus 25.40). What a command! He had to follow the guidance given.
We who preach the Gospel and have been called to lead God's work must stick to what we learn in the heat of ministry. Today, it's not temples that need to be built, but transformed lives, so that the Lord's work can continue. God knows why He has called us to begin the work, which must resemble that which Jesus carried out while He was on earth (1 John 2.6). We must never deviate from God's plans, but carry them out!
The plan written in our hearts and confirmed by prayer, fasting and a lot of struggle cannot and must not be changed. After all, God has called us to carry on this blessed work, which will go on for centuries until Christ returns. If there is ever a need for readjustment, the Almighty will tell us, not some weakling in faith and ministry who tries to convince us to do as he thinks. Moses had to pay attention to what he saw. That way, nothing would turn out differently.
The way of acting of every healthy ministry, which does the will of the Most High, is unique. That is why it cannot be imposed on any other ministry. Just as in the Jerusalem of the past there were 12 gates, today there must also be gates prepared by God for the lost to enter. Some people think that everyone should preach the same in their churches, but then why are there so many doors? May the Lord help us to understand this!
Jesse's son received the risk and asked the building experts to examine the site and make the necessary corrections. The king was not only an invincible warrior, but also a worker capable of seeing the smallest details. It's good when churches do as they're told, and everyone can serve God in peace. There are some people that no one will win to Christ; others I won't win either. The Lord knows!
Even with all the preparations, David passed on the plan for the temple to Solomon, the son chosen by the Lord to reign in his father's place. The time for David's departure was approaching, and he was ready to meet the Lord (1 Kings 2). Our turn will come one day, so we need to be in divine preparation, doing the Father's will with a joyful heart. Take care of yourself to go to the eternal Home!
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
Lord of the perfect risk! We must act like Moses: do as he was shown. Father, may Your wisdom always assist us. In this way, we will carry out the work as Jesus taught us. Deliver us from temptations and mistakes!
David understood that the plan for the temple came into his hands by Your will. We want to fulfill the project You designed for us, completing it as You planned. Look at us and instruct us in everything!
The king of Israel was certain that Your will would be carried out and he strove to do his best, gathering thousands of people to serve You. Just as he won wars with Your help, he knew that Solomon would build Your temple with Your love!