2024-11-03 03:00:00
But those who ignored the word of the Lord left their slaves and livestock in the field.
Exodus 9.21
The Lord holds all those who fail to keep His Word in their hearts responsible for their own mistakes. Even those who had never heard what it declared, when they learned what Moses did with divine power, became responsible for neglecting the Most High. So it was with the Egyptians who had not learned about the God of Israel. Although they had seen and heard what the Lord was doing, they ignored His command.
Those who believed the divine message, gathering their animals, their servants and the rest of the people, suffered no harm. The warning was clear: Therefore, at this time tomorrow I will send the worst hailstorm, that has even fallen in Egypt from the day it was founded till now (Exodus 9.18). The situation was getting worse, and Pharaoh would see how great the Lord was. That's why everyone was warned. The warning about eternal life has already been given!
Why do some people rebel against the true God, trusting in unclean spirits? What is happening is not just a fight about gods, because there is no other that can be called such. The Lord is the only Almighty God! To save us, He made His Only Begotten Son leave His glory and come to this world to die in our place and rescue us from the clutches of the evil one. Our redemption is a fact that cannot be lost (Colossians 1.13,14)!
Moses delivered the message to the inhabitants of Egypt: "Now therefore send, gather your cattle and all that you have in the field; every man and beast that is found in the field and is not gathered into the house, the hail shall fall on them, and they shall die" (Exodus 9:19). After that, the blame would fall entirely on anyone who disobeyed the Lord's command. Jesus warned that without being born again, no one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever does not undergo the new birth will be held accountable!
In the city of Philippi, Macedonia, Paul and Silas were arrested for preaching the Gospel and freeing a young woman who had a spirit of divination. They were flogged and thrown into prison (Acts 16.16-24). God sent an earthquake, and the prison doors opened. When the jailer saw this, he asked them how he could attain salvation: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household (Acts 16:31). He and his household believed and were saved!
Everyone must heed this message. Both the person and his family who despise the Lord will be lost eternally. Those officials of Pharaoh who feared the word of the LORD hurried to bring their slaves and their livestock inside (Exodus 9.20). Lack of respect for God will lead many to endless suffering (Revelation 21.8). It's sad to say, but the Bible itself makes this point. So, make amends so you won't be lost forever. God only speaks the truth!
Just like it happened in Egypt, it will happen when Christ returns to Earth for the second time, because the rebels will suffer capital punishment. Look at what happened on that day: Throughout Egypt hail struck everything in the fields—both people and animals; it beat down everything growing in the fields and stripped every tree (Exodus 9.25).
In Christ, with love,
R. R. Soares
Today's Prayer
God of serious warnings! Those who did not listen to You and left the animals and people in the field saw them all die. Jesus said that the field is the world. So those who don't gather their own for Your Kingdom make the worst decision. Father, save everyone!
There have always been people who insisted on saying that things were not as they seemed. Thus, they have done the worst work of their lives, as they have lost property and family members, defying You and neglecting Your warning. Those who defy You will despair!
Show us that it's not worth leaving our own in the field, the world, because whoever loves the world and what's in it will see that their attitude was foolish. There will be no time to repent and take our people to Your Kingdom. We beg you for Your mercy!