Photo: Kelly Sikkema - Unsplash


2024-11-28 03:00:00

Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth.

Luke 1.26

         The work most awaited by the Israelite people was beginning, and the fact that God had sent the angel to Nazareth meant that something good would happen. When our eyes are opened to the Scriptures, we can praise the Lord for what He will do. In biblical times, God's messenger was often an angel, but today it is the Holy Spirit who teaches us the Word. As a result, everything that the Most High accomplishes will be great and will change our lives completely.


           Today, billions of people receive the revelation of God's plan quickly, because the Holy Spirit has the ability to speak to them all over the world. When this happens, our hearts rejoice, and we must believe that the message is real. In this way, the Father hears us and answers us, healing, liberating and saving in the blink of an eye!


           Our mission is to evangelize, to open up opportunities for the Lord to speak to hearts and to hold faith meetings, even using the media on a daily basis. The heavenly Father has made considerable resources available to us to do His will. However, out of envy, many who “sleep” accuse us of acting maliciously. It turns out that, at the Judgment, they will be like the servant who received a talent and hid it (Matthew 25.14-30).


           Paul took the Gospel far away from Jerusalem and to dangerous places where, until then, no one had heard of Jesus. With the help of divine power, the apostle healed the sick, freed the oppressed and led the lost to make the decision to leave idolatry and other sins behind. He was not afraid; on the contrary, with holy courage, he ministered the precious message of Christ.


           Há um mundo de desafios à nossa espera. A ordem é: irmos a todas as partes e levarmos o povo a entender o que Jesus fez em favor de quem vive debaixo das paixões da carne. Devemos ser exemplos para quem ainda não sabe que o Filho de Deus pagou o preço da redenção da humanidade, dando livre acesso ao poder de Deus. Creia e seja abençoado pelo Todo-Poderoso!


           There is a world of challenges waiting for us. The order is: go everywhere and lead people to understand what Jesus did on behalf of those who live under the passions of the flesh. We must be examples to those who don't yet know that the Son of God paid the price for humanity's redemption, giving free access to God's power. Believe and be blessed by the Almighty!


           It was already the sixth month of pregnancy for Elizabeth, the wife of the priest Zechariah, who had spent her whole life barren and, in her old age, discovered that she was going to conceive a child. When her father received a visit from the angel Gabriel and learned that he would be the father of a child destined to be great before God, he was shocked and doubted, so he remained mute until the child was born. Doubting the Lord's message is dangerous and can have bad consequences.


           After this, the same angel appeared to Mary, a young girl of about 15, and revealed that she would be the mother of a child whose mission was to bring salvation to her nation and the whole world. The girl asked how this would happen, since she was betrothed to Joseph and was a virgin. She listened to the angelic explanation and believed. And so the Savior came into the world. Glory to God!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

God of Good News! It is so good when You send the message through Your Word, in order to give us the faith capable of lifting us up above our weaknesses. In this way, Your power will work whatever we determine. We are the address of Your blessing at this time!

You sent the angel Gabriel to tell Zechariah part of Your plan and You chose an old, barren woman to give birth to John the Baptist. In doing so, You made that child the preparer of the way for Your Son to bring about salvation.

The same angel presented himself to Mary, a young girl who loved You so much that she obeyed You, and everything happened according to Your will. We never want to miss a chance to please You. Use us too in Your plan to redeem humanity!