
2024-05-01 03:00:00

Thus I have been in your house twenty years; I served you fourteen years for your two daughters, and six years for your flock, and you have changed my wages ten times.

Genesis 31.41


          Jacob was angry with Laban, who pursued him as if he were a thief. So, he said to his father-in-law, What is my trespass? What is my sin that you have so hotly pursued me? (Genesis 31.36). Many people disregard the right to prosperity, and Laban was one of them, so he went after Jacob to destroy him. His father-in-law had no regard for anything, and if God hadn't rebuked him, Jacob would have faced bigger problems.


           In desperation, the father-in-law searched his son-in-law's belongings without finding anything in it. Faced with this act, Jacob told him that he should stand before their family, and let the family members judge between the two (Genesis 31.33,37). The pestering had to stop, because something bad was about to happen, and it would harm both families. He would say more things that would make his father-in-law give up that insanity. God knew where they were going!


             Jacob reminded Laban that in the 20 years he had been with him, the Most High had not allowed any of the goats to miscarry. This was only possible because of God's work. He also said that he had never eaten the sheep from Laban's flock (Genesis 31.38). This was undoubtedly because of Jacob's faith and love for God, who never abandoned him and assisted him in his defense. God does the same today with those who love Him!


           If we were to judge the treatment Jacob received from his father-in-law today, he would be prosecuted and tried for subjecting Jacob to a system analogous to slavery. The uncle-in-law was so unfair that he didn't recognize in his nephew-in-law the person who had helped him so much and now had to build his house, because he already had children, the Lord's inheritance. Even the animals stolen at night from Rebekah's son's hands were being demanded (v. 39). Only the eternal Judge could judge such a case, and He was doing so!


            The son-in-law watched over his father-in-law's flocks in the scorching heat of the day and the freezing nights. He even lost sleep during those vigils, without ever being recognized for this task (v. 40). The deal was purely commercial and unfair to him. Even today, in many places, people are being wronged, and it's no use complaining to anyone, but rather confessing your fault and asking for mercy. God's hand is the only one capable of helping in similar situations. You have to cry out for justice!


            Jacob reminded Laban that he had spent 20 years in his house. For 14 years, he had served his uncle for his two daughters. The first seven, to marry Rachel, but his father-in-law deceived him and gave him Leah as his wife. When asked, his father-in-law told him that if he worked for another seven years, he could take Rachel too, and so he did. For the last six years, he worked to acquire a herd. Although they had previously discussed what he would receive for looking after the flock, his father-in-law changed his earnings tenfold!


           In conclusion, Rebekah's son recalled that if it hadn't been for his father's God - the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac - being with him, he would certainly have gone away empty-handed (v. 42). Jacob said that the Almighty had responded to his affliction and his work by rebuking him the night before. They understood each other and made peace. Jacob continued his journey and there was no more talk of Laban. The Lord is faithful!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

            Lord of holy justice! Countless people suffered for the Savior to come into the world! Many people today are straying from Your ways, practicing what the enemy shows them, without knowing that every tear spent on the work will be rewarded!


           Nothing will bring us down. Even if we suffer injustice, we will reject the devil's weapon: lies. The Bible says that those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake are blessed, and we believe that. May we know how to pay the high price for doing good!


       We want to live faithfully, despite suffering harassment and slander. Those who love You know that they must keep the commandments in order to be loved by You. You are our Master, Father and Savior. We thank You for having placed us in the Covenant through your Son!