Photo: Gustavo Quepon


2025-03-05 03:00:00

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5.8

            There was no need to prove anything to us because God is the Creator. Because He made us in His image and likeness, that was enough for us (Genesis 1.26, 27). However, the Lord doesn't want us to have any doubts on our journey of faith. So He sent His Son, the Perfect Man, to die in our place and grant us the justification we need. Today, we can only be grateful to God for having loved us and shared the Holy Spirit with us. We can consider ourselves loved in Christ in an indescribable way.


           The Word of God is sufficient to explain everything, because it is the Lord Himself transmitting His teachings in clear and objective language (John 1.1-14). When we read the Bible, and a part of it speaks to our heart, we can believe in that revelation. The Word of the Lord is like Him: powerful and faithful to do what is necessary on our behalf. The servants of the Most High enjoy opportunities to change their lives; all they have to do is use the Name of Jesus (John 15:1-7).


           In giving His Son, the heavenly Father has given us His best; so how can the rest be hidden from us? (Romans 8.32). This is why we urge people to believe and claim what they have learned in the Bible about what has been done for them. When they understand what Jesus has bought for them, the question soon arises: “It's all ours; can we claim it all?”. Yes is the answer. (Mark 11:23,24).


           By having foreknowledge of events and how they were planned, God can prevent any work that He doesn't want. Walking with the Father, we become people incapable of complaining. If the Most High has promised, His power will provide the appropriate response to any situation. The Lord is the faithful Fulfiller of His promises (Deuteronomy 7:9).


           God gave His only begotten Son to redeem us from the fall, from the oppressions of the devil, and from the filthy practices in which man has become involved. Being saved by God's will, all we have to do is cry out, believing that every promise will be honored by the Lord, and His love will protect us. Now, if evil has entered, send it away right now. After all, God will do whatever we ask - determine - in His Name: If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (John 14.14).


           The price of our redemption has been paid; we are now able to walk with God just like Enoch, who was taken by the Lord so that he would not see death (Genesis 5.24). To walk with the Almighty is to walk the path of righteousness freely, without fear of threats from the kingdom of darkness. When necessary, we will bind the evil force and free those it oppresses, because we are operators of divine justice. Remember: whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matthew 16:19a).


           God can redeem you right now. If there is a desire to be holy in your heart, the Holy Spirit is at work in your life. Take advantage of this and confess everything that your perverse heart has led you to do wrong and ask for a new heart. If the Spirit of the Lord is at work, it's a sign that you haven't committed the unforgivable sin. Enjoy! God loves you!


           In Christ, with love,


           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

Lord of our justice! You didn't need to prove Your love for us, but we thank You for sending Jesus to show us that He is the Way of Victory. Now we are more than winners!

We also apply Your justice, and this dignifies and exalts us. Our hearts are fulfilled in Your presence. By being obedient, we will do Your will, because You give us the best freely in Christ.


We were sinners and could not stand before You. But when Jesus took our place, freeing us from sin, we became Your beloved children, so we want to tell everyone what You have done for us. Thank You, Father!