

2024-10-17 03:00:00

'Shall I not punish them for these things?’ says the Lord. ‘Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?’

Jeremiah 5.29

           Judgment is promised and it will come sooner than you think. When it does, where will the people who didn't fear the Lord be? Won't the prayers made on their behalf be answered? Yes, they will. But wickedness has the opposite effect, because they want to live in the world like the lost (2 Peter 2.20-22). Many act like the lost, even taking drugs, drinking alcohol and doing dirty deeds that defile the Name of the Lord, who is worthy of all honor. Mercy!     


           The Most High used prophet Jeremiah to open the eyes of the people of Judah: the time to judge their actions was approaching. It's the same with us, but, incredible as it may seem, we often don't take the Lord's revelations in the Word seriously. Furthermore, we act as if we don't know that there is life after death, and so we don't value the Scriptures (Psalm 32.9).


           It's good to remember that the events involving the Jews at that time are signs of what is happening to us today. Israel was a tiny people compared to the greatness of several nations at that time; however, there is no country in human history where the laws were so good for its people and those of other lands as well. The Israelite code of ethics was perfect, and what they recorded is useful for our teaching.


           This shows the wisdom of the Most High, who, when choosing a people that was not so numerous, did everything to ensure that they would remain until today. Israel's victories in the wars prove God's care for His people. The Scriptures show the weakness of the men who led the country and even record the small disagreement between the apostles Paul and Peter (Galatians 2.11-21). All this is a lesson for us. Believe!


           When Jesus was on the Cross, the Father laid upon Him the weaknesses and errors of the Israelites and all other nations (Isaiah 53.4-6). Today, it is easier to bring the perfect and infallible Truth to the people than it was in the time of the apostles. This is necessary because people need to learn about Christ's sacrifice, through which He took our sins upon Himself. Whoever accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior is transformed (2 Corinthians 5.17) and freed from all evil. This must be done now!


           Through His Son, God has stripped the devil of the authority he took from Adam to make us suffer (Colossians 2:15). Now, no one has to suffer any more, but surrender themselves to the Lord and accept Him as Savior. When we do this, our sins will be forgiven (1 John 1.5 - 2.2). God wants everyone to know the Truth in order to be free. He wants to forgive humanity and lead them to eternal happiness.


           The lesson Israel received when it was taken to Babylon should serve as a warning. Christians must have respect for the Lord, so as not to suffer humiliation. We must always be vigilant so that we don't fall into the traps of the devil, who tries to separate us from God. Turn to the Lord, who is able to do far more than we ask or think (Ephesians 3.20).




           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares



Today's Prayer

Lord, our Master! We come before You to ask You to teach us with Your love and not with pain. We want to learn everything, giving Jesus the glory for having saved us and taken us out of the suffering of an unhappy and meaningless life. To You be the glory forever!

We thank You for Your Son who suffered in our place. Thus, our life has been justified and accepted before You as a true offering. We give ourselves into Your hands for You to use us, bringing Your message to the world and freeing the oppressed!


Father, we don't always serve You as we should, but we live as if we were the masters of the world. In fact, we don't want to be like that. It is essential that we give You everything You instruct us to do and that we have Your care. May Your name be glorified!