Photo: Lorenzo Castagnone


2025-03-15 03:00:00

I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Luke 18.14

          In one of His parables, Jesus explained justification by recounting a case of two men who thought they prayed and loved God. These men were in the same place, but they had different purposes in prayer. Unfortunately, many people are not vigilant and are inclined to wrong practices, especially when they cry out. Now, before we start praying correctly, we must consult the Word to see if we are acting in the wrong way or not!

         Some people pray to show themselves to be spiritual, but they actually seeking something lucrative from their act. Why do they do this? They look holy and faithful to God, but we see cases of real Pharisees in our midst. Why do some people allow themselves to be tempted even when they are praying? Surely, they don't know about the Almighty's knowledge of everything that happens? (1 Chronicles 28:9).


           Many act like madmen, without caring about anything. People run after money and do everything they can to get as much as possible. To do this, some people lie, cry and swear at anything, until they manage to deceive someone. They take pleasure in deceiving others. How will he stand before the Judge of eternity on the Day of reckoning? (1 Thessalonians 4:6).

           Of the two men who prayed at the same time and place, according to the Master's account, we discover that they had different needs and desires. The first prayed like a modern Pharisee: The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘O God, I thank You that I am not like other men – extortioners, unjust, adulterers; or even as this as this tax collector (Luke 18.11). He called himself blameless, but God didn't see him that way.

          The other was a tax collector, and by the Spirit of the Lord was under conviction of having sinned, in order to turn to good: And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying: ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner! (Luke 18.13). Who God says we are is the most important thing, not how we feel about it or what we think we can achieve, because the Lord guarantees our victory: to be justified!


           People would gain more from their heavenly Father if they allowed Him to direct them on the right path and do His will. We are in a kind of test as to whether or not we will go to the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever does not go to the Kingdom of divine love will certainly go to the kingdom of evil (John 3.36). This fact alone should make everyone seek help from the Lord, obeying His Word. Take care now!

           Our work will be successful when we succeed in bringing people to the feet of Jesus, and our hearts will rejoice when we give God the desired fruit. He sends us to proclaim the knowledge of salvation in Christ to everyone!


           In Christ, with love,

           R. R. Soares


Today's Prayer

Lord who answers our prayers! You are attentive to what we say to You and to the devil too. When we confess our sins and You forgive us, the enemy understands that his dominion over us is over and we are freed from evil!

We don't want to exalt ourselves in anything, but to glorify You in everything. If we do good to someone, it is to magnify You. The glory of something good we have done is for You; after all, what would we be if it weren't for Your mercy and pity!


We ask for the ability to humble ourselves so that, in due course, You can exalt us for the good of others. We beg for Your love and consideration, so that we can act in Your name and point out the solution to those who need it. Use us to free the oppressed!